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At the last doctor's appointment, Rory had scheduled her c-section for the triplets. Logan had taken the two weeks leading up to the date off work just in case Rory went into labor before scheduled, wanting to make sure he was there right when it happened. Well, the day of her c-section had officially arrived. Today, at 37 weeks pregnant, they were headed to the hospital and it was time to go from being a family of four to a family of seven. Rory was excited and nervous all at once. How had this pregnancy gone so fast?

"Hey Ace. How are you doing?" Logan asked her as they got in the car to head to the hospital for their seven o'clock check in time.

"I'm okay babe. Nervous, but excited. Worried that the twins will hate us for the triplets coming so early on in their childhood. Nervous to figure out breastfeeding triplets this round. Still wondering if it's the right step to take this time as well," Rory rambled from beside him.

Logan squeezed her hand, "It'll be okay Ace. You'll know what the right choice is once the babies are here, I promise."

Rory smiles at him, "Thanks for trying to put my mind at ease babe."

Logan laughs, "Welcome Ace. Did it help?"

"A little," Rory says with a smile as she leans over to kiss him.

"Good. Glad I could help," he replies.

They ride the rest of the way to the hospital in silence, with Frank driving. They arrive at 6:55am, Frank opens the door and Logan climbs out first, than offers his hand out to help Rory out of the car. Logan grabs the hospital bags with the clothes for the triplets from their aunts and uncles as well as everything they would need over the next few days for him and Rory. Each baby got clothes to wear while in the hospital as well as outfits to wear home when they all left in a few days. Rory and Logan got on the elevator to head up to the maternity ward and check. Rory checked in with the nurse at the front desk and was led back to a room with Logan.

Once they were in their room, Rory was handed the hospital gown and told to change into it, than the doctor would be in shortly to speak with her. Rory changed into the gown and Logan helped her onto the hospital bed just in time, as there was a knock on the door right as she was getting comfortable.

"Hello Rory, Logan. How are we today? Ready to have those babies?" Doctor Henderson asks.

"Absolutely doctor. When are we looking at getting an operating room and welcoming Colin, Finn, and Emily?" Logan says.

"Well there should be one open in about an hour, so soon from the sounds of it," she replies with a smile.

"Oh that's perfect. Thank you doctor," Rory says with a smile back.

As Doctor Henderson had stated, Rory and Logan were taken to the operating room an hour later. Another hour after that, they were officially a family of seven. Rory had been stitched back up and they had taken her to recovery already.

Finn Mitchum
5 lbs 6 oz
18" long

Colin Robert
5 lbs 4 oz
17" long

Emily Paris
5 lbs 8 oz
19" long

Rory was feeling a little sore from the c-section, but was ready to hold the triplets. The nurses and Logan were wheeling them into the room now.

"Hey Ace. Ready to meet our new little group?"

"Yes. I want all three over here, Logan."

Logan handed Emily to her, while the nurses grabbed Colin and Finn to hand them to her as well. Rory and Logan had already talked about how they wanted to spend the first couple hours after the babies were born and would be making the calls in another two hours to let everyone know they could visit. The only exception to this was Lorelai, who had already been called so she could bring Richard and Victoria by to meet the triplets, and she was due to arrive in about a half hour.

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