How Fast it Goes

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It's been four months since Rory found out she was pregnant again. She had decided that she really wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out gender, wanting the surprise to continue this time. This was of course driving everyone in their families crazy, because how else would anyone know what to buy for the new little jelly bean. They were due for another ultrasound today though, and Logan was trying to convince her to find out gender anyways.

"Come on Ace. Don't you wanna know what the baby is? I'm not sure I can wait until April to know," Logan was saying for the hundredth time.

"I know babe. I really want to wait though. I think it'll be an even better surprise if we have that as part of our surprise since we were surprised by the pregnancy anyways," Rory laughs.

"I get that Ace. I'm just ready to know what we're having," Logan says pouting.

"What if we do a gender reveal instead than?" Rory asks.

"Really Ace? Would you be okay knowing before the baby is born?" Logan says excitedly.

"Anything for you, baby. Plus I'll admit, I am a little curious." Rory says as she kisses her husband.


Driving to the doctor's office for their ultrasound, Rory grabs one of Logan's hands and places it on her bump, "Feel that?"

"Is that the baby kicking?"

"Yea, except I've been feeling that in two places all day today. Logan you don't think-"

"No. Couldn't be Ace. Doc only saw one baby at the last two ultrasounds. Can't be another baby in there. Could there?"

"I honestly don't know what to think. Maybe Jelly Bean is just sideways and stretching a lot," Rory replies.

They arrive at the doctor's office in silence and check in. A few minutes late Nurse Amanda calls for them to follow her in the back. Amanda checks Rory's vitals and then leads them to an exam room and tells them the doctor will be in shortly. They continue to wait in silence until the doctor comes in with the ultrasound machine.

"Hello Rory, Logan. How are you?"

"Doing great Doctor. Been feeling what seems to be kicks in two different spots at the same time, but baby seems to be doing fine," Rory says with a smile.

"Well than let's take a look at that baby and see what he or she is doing, shall we?"

"Yes please," Logan answers with a grin.

The doctor puts the gel on Rory's bump and starts taking measurements. As she continues taking measurements, Logan tries to look at the screen but the doctor's face suddenly gives away something and with a, "Huh." Logan's face pales.

"Everything ok Doctor?" he asks.

"Yes, um everything is fine Logan. However, it seems I may have been mistaken at the other ultrasounds."

"What do you mean?" Rory squeaks.

"Well, it looks as if this birth will not be a singleton after all. It seems the baby we have been watching grow in ultrasounds for the last four months has finally decided to share the spotlight with a couple siblings," the doctor whispers.

"A couple siblings?" Logans squeaks.

"Yes. I am so sorry, but I have never seen this before. I have heard of doctors missing one baby, but never missing two. It looks as if this pregnancy is actually triplets."

At this statement, Rory looks at Logan, who looks as if he's seen a ghost. Rory continues watching him when she notices that something is wrong and right as he's about to faint, she yells out, "Doctor help him!"

The doctor manages to catch Logan before he hits the floor. Rory knows that he'll be okay, but is worried as she's never seen him faint. Logan is out for a couple more minutes and after they bring him back around, the doctor checks his vitals.

"What happened? Why am I on the floor?" Logan asks, looking between the doctor and Rory.

"Well Logan, you fainted after I told you that I had missed two babies on the ultrasound. Your vitals are all fine, but I would like to get you checked out by another doctor in the emergency room. I'm sure it was just shock, but I'd feel better." Doctor replies.

"Absolutely Doctor. I understand. It's a liability," Logan says with a shaky smile.

Doctor excuses herself and calls a colleague to get Logan checked out. Rory gets off the exam table and sits next to Logan on the floor, "You okay babe?"

"I will be Ace. We were just so freaked in the beginning, thinking this was a possibility. To have it confirmed now when you're already six months pregnant, is a little crazy."

"I know Logan. I'm scared too. But we've raised twins so far, we can raise triplets. It won't be easy and it will be insane, but it will also be exciting and we will do this together just like everything else. You jump, I jump Jack?"

"Forever Ace. I love you so much," Logan replies and kisses her.

"I love you too Logan," Rory says after he breaks the kiss and the doctor comes back to the room.

"Knock, knock. Can we come in?"

"Of course Doctor." Rory says as the door opens and both doctors walk in.

"This is Dr. Martin," Doctor Henderson introduces her colleague.

"Hello Dr. Martin.," Logan says.

"Hello Logan. I'm gonna give you a quick check-up and see how you're doing after your fainting spell."

"I feel a lot better now. I was just surprised to hear triplets when we really thought there was only one baby."

"Makes sense. This isn't the first time I've had a dad faint, even one who's seasoned," Dr. Martin says with a small laugh.

Logan laughs with him, "Makes sense."

After Dr. Martin finishes checking Logan out, he leaves and Dr. Henderson gets back to the ultrasound machine.

"So I know originally, you didn't want to know gender. Has that changed since the last ultrasound?" Dr. Henderson asks.

"Logan wants to know, but I want to wait and find out with a gender reveal," Rory replies.

"Ok. Great. I can type it on the ultrasound of all three of them, if you'd like?"

"Yes. Thank you."

Doctor Henderson put the ultrasound with the genders in an envelope and gave it to Logan. She also printed up plenty of extra copies for them. They finished up their appointment, and left.


Here we go guys! I have been dealing with a lot at work and had some trouble with writer's block for the last week.... But here's an update finally!!! Hope you enjoy it.... Next chapter will be the gender reveal to the whole family and also names announced!!! I will try to update again later this week when I get time... Thank you so much for the reads and votes! Love you all <3 ~Nikki

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