Packing for Vacation

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Everything has been planned and Rory still has no idea about this weekend. The call has been made to Lorelai who has agreed to watch the twins for a long weekend to give them time away. Now it's time to tell Rory that they're going away for the weekend and that the twins are staying with her mom.

"Hey Ace, I've got a surprise for you."

"And what would that be Logan?"

"Pack a bag. We're taking a weekend away." Logan replies.

"Ok. Where are the twins going?" Rory asks.

"To your mother's, Ace."

"Ok. What are we doing, Logan?"

"Nope. Not telling. Just get the bags packed," Logan tells her with a quick kiss.

"Ok ok. I'm going now dear," Rory says back as she leaves the room to start packing their bags for the weekend.

Logan's phone rings and he heads to the office to make sure the call isn't overheard.

"What's up, Finn?"

"Hey mate. Everything is set. Robert will meet you guys at Lorelai's house with the car and blindfold so Rory doesn't see any part of the trip from there," Finn tells him.

"Perfect. Same spot as the first LDB event Rory joined us for?"

"Yup. We got the whole clearing and everything."

"Great, then we'll see you guys all tomorrow. Thanks again for this, Finn."

"No problem, mate. You both need the break and it's been awhile since we've seen you guys."

Logan hangs up the phone and decides to see if there's any work that needs to be done before the weekend trip.


Logan has finished all work and Rory has come into the office to do some writing since she's finished packing for everyone.

"Hey Ace, all set?"

"Yup. Packing is done and I'm almost done with the book, so everything is great."

"That's great Ace." Logan tells her with a smile.

"Thanks honey. I'm really excited that I'm almost done. Couple more chapters and it'll be ready to be sent out for publishers."

"Ace, you have every reason to be excited. I'm excited for you. It's been a long time coming and I know you've worked hard on the book."

"I couldn't have done it all without your support, Logan. Helping with the twins so I could write over the last two months and just being supportive overall has been amazing."

"Ace, I will always support your dreams. That was part of what I signed up for when we got married."

"I know honey, but it's been a huge help. I'm gonna try to finish this before we leave tomorrow too."

"Alright sounds good Ace. I'll leave you too it then. I love you."

"I love you too Logan."

Logan kisses Rory and walks out of the office to check on the twins. He picks up Richard, than heads to get Victoria.

"Hey there princess. How's my girl?" Logan asks as she gurgles at him and he lays Richard down with her for a bit. "How about some tummy time with brother?"

Logan lays out the playmat for the twins to share. He picks up Richard and lays him down on the mat first. After he does the same with Victoria, he lays on the floor with them. His favorite part of the day is when he can spend time like this with the twins. Victoria suddenly giggles and catches Logan by surprise.

"Hey princess. I haven't heard that one yet!" Logan says right as Richard giggles back at his sister, "Whoa there little man! You both giggle now?"

Rory comes into Victoria's nursery to see where everyone's at, "Hey honey. What's going on?"

"Hey Ace. Did you know the twins are giggling now??"

"No! I missed their first giggle?"

"I guess so. Sorry Ace. How'd the writing go?"

"It went good. I'll do more later after the twins go down for the night."

"Alright sounds good," Logan replies right as the twins giggle again.

"Oh my goodness! I've never heard anything so cute!!!" Rory says excitedly as she bends to pick up Victoria.

"I know Ace." Logan says standing up with Richard.

Rory walks over to the rocker with Victoria, with Logan following her with Richard, so she can feed the twins since they haven't nursed for a few hours and she's feeling full again.

"Never knew we could love someone so much until we had the twins, Logan." Rory muses.

"I know Ace. I love the three of you so much though. I couldn't imagine my life without the three of you after everything. I'm so glad we had the twins and got married."

"So am I Logan. So many things have happened over the last year, I'm just glad we've had everything work out so perfectly. I love you and the babies more than I ever thought was possible. I am really looking forward to this weekend though. We need the vacation. Just wish you'd tell me what you had planned."

"I know Ace. Get some rest after you finish feeding the twins and then the faster we get to bed, the faster we get out of here tomorrow so you can find out."

"But I had other plans for us though after the twins went down for the night," Rory tells him with an eyebrow raised and a grin.

"Well than after you finish feeding the twins, guess you can surprise me yourself too, huh Ace?" Logan says as Richard and Victoria fall asleep as they finish eating.

"Well you wanna lay Richard down in his crib and I'll lay Victoria down than meet you in our room?"


After laying down the twins, Logan and Rory walk into their room. Logan grabs Rory and kisses her so passionately, every inch of her is set on fire. Clothes are thrown off and they crash together on the bed, not knowing where one ends and the other begins as they get tangled up in limbs. Afterwards, they fall asleep in each other's arms.

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