After the Appointment

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Rory was quiet the whole way back to Logan's building. She was thinking about the appointment and the news of the twins. Everything is just crazy right now. She's still in complete utter shock about the fact that she's pregnant with not just one baby, but two. She's not married, not even engaged, but is pregnant with twins right now by Logan!

Rory finally finds her voice right as the car pulls up to the building, "So what's the plan for the rest of today Logan?"

"Well Ace, I figured we'd have dinner with the guys if you'd like and then I'm gonna take tomorrow off from work so you and I can spend the day doing whatever you'd like. How does that sound?"

"That actually sounds perfect Logan." Rory replies as she gets out of the car after Logan.

"Ok great. Then we can make plans with the guys. Do you want to tell them now about the twins or wait until you tell your mom?"

"We might as well tell them tonight Logan. They won't let us do anything without telling them anyways since they know we went to the doctor's office." Rory replies as they get on the elevator.

"Ok. Than we can tell them with the ultrasound. What do you think?"

"Works for me."

They ride the elevator the rest of the way in silence and get off at the penthouse to walk right into the guys.

"Hello love," Finn says and adds on,"I guess hello to you as well Logan."

"So how was the appointment? How is our little niece or nephew growing in there?" Robert asks.

Rory holds up the ultrasound, "I think you mean your nieces or nephews."

"What? It's twins!" Colin says from behind them as he had been working on packing the bedroom for them.

"Yes guys. We're having twins!" Logan says excitedly.

"Wow that's great! Congrats you two!" Finn says.

"Thanks guys. I'm still a little shocked that we're having twins, but seeing Logan so excited changed the scared part pretty fast." Rory says with a smile.

"Well shall we celebrate guys?" Logan asks.

"Absolutely! Sorry love, we'll be on the patio for the celebration." Finn replies.

"It's fine guys. I'll work on packing something while you do that," Rory says.

"I don't think so Ace. You will relax. You are carrying not just one piece of precious cargo, but two. Put your feet up and relax instead. The guys and I will pack," Logan tells her before he kisses her to cut off her retort to that comment.

Rory just smiles and replies, "Fine Logan. I'll relax than. I love you. Go celebrate with the guys."

"I love you too Ace. Now sit and put your feet up."

The guys all go out on the patio to celebrate with a cigar and a drink while Rory takes out her laptop to do some more writing since the guys won't let her do anything else.

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