Triplet Reveal

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"Morning Ace. How'd you sleep?" Logan asked as Rory walked into the kitchen with Richard and Victoria.

"Morning babe. Not bad. Feel like these three are gonna make sleeping hard for the next year though," Rory replied as she kissed him and rubbed her stomach, gesturing towards the triplets.

"Yes well putting all five of our kids together, I'm sure we'll never sleep again Ace," Logan says with a laugh.

Rory laughs with him, "Probably not. Have you given anymore thoughts to names?"

"Well I say we wait to decide for sure. But I know we said we would name boys after the guys, I was thinking Colin Robert if ones a boy."

"I like it. But okay. We can hold off on deciding for sure until later if you want babe."

"Ace have you thought of any names?"

"Of course Logan. I was thinking Finn Mitchum for a boy and Emily Paris if we get a girl in there."

"I love both Ace. But what if we have all boys or all girls??"

"Well we can cross that bridge if we need too babe," Rory said with a smile.


Rory and Logan haven't told anyone that they are having triplets this round, so when everyone shows up at the house for the party, Rory shows them outside to the backyard where the twins are running around with each other.

Logan has already put the three tiered cake outside, and of course everyone is confused by the cake. Lorelai finally asks Rory, "Kid what's up with the cake? Why so big?"

"Cause that's how we wanted it mom. Don't worry about it," Rory tells her mom with a smile.

Lorelai pulls them both aside, "Are you guys trying to surprise everyone with triplets? Or is it really just a big cake idea?"

"You take that one Ace," Logan says looking at Rory.

"We just wanted a big cake mom, really."

"Ok fine. Don't tell me that I'm getting three more grandbabies than," Lorelai says with a smirk.

Rory rolls her eyes at her mom and goes back to fixing the decoration on the table. Logan walks over to the table and whispers, "Are you sure we shouldn't just tell your mom the news Ace? It seems like she already knows."

"Babe the whole party will know before we cut the cakes and tell them the genders if we tell her now," Rory whispers back with a laugh.

Logan laughs with her and after making his rounds, they make a speech.

"We want to first thank everyone for joining us today to find out the gender of our new baby. Rory and I are so excited to know what we're having and being able to share this with all of you. So without any further hesitation, who's ready to know?"

Everyone yells their agreement, Finn being the loudest of course. Logan and Rory cut into the top tier of the cake and pull away a piece with a blue center!

"Well everyone, we're having another boy! But we have another surprise for you all," Rory says with a smile as Logan takes the top tier off of the other two.

Logan starts to cut into the second tier as Rory admits finally, "Our doctor missed something originally and it looks like there's a little-"

"BOY! We're getting two more boys!" Logan exclaims as Rory removes the second tier and starts cutting into the last tier as Logan makes the next announcement, "Now of course as things turned out for our luck, there seemed to be another thing missed and turns out, there wasn't just two boys growing for us, but also-"

"A little girl decided to also grace us with her presence this round as well," Rory says with tears in her eyes as she shows Logan the pink center of the last tier.

"Well everyone, we're having triplets! Two more boys and another little girl!" Logan says with a smile to their friends and family.

Finn, Colin, and Robert all run up to Logan and hug him, all spewing congratulations at the same time. Lorelai hugs Rory, "You sneak! I knew it! We get another little Gilmore girl!!"

Mitchum walks up to Logan after the guys turn their attention to Rory, "Congratulations son. I'm happy for you both. Have you decided on names?"

"Thank you dad. We actually talked about it this morning, but haven't set any in stone yet."

"Of course. What are you thinking for them?"

Logan looks at Rory, who nods knowing what he's about to ask, "Guess the wife is set for names so we can make our announcement now actually."

Rory walks back over to Logan, "Everyone we would like to formally announce the names chosen for our new little group. Our daughter will be named after my grandmother and also one of our oldest friends, Emily Paris Huntzberger."

"While our sons will be named after our friends who have always supported us and my father, Colin Robert and Finn Mitchum Huntzberger," Logan adds.

Rory looks over to the guys, who look like they're going to cry while Logan catches Mitchum's eye.

"Oh mother. These babies are going to be just as spoiled as our other niece and nephew," Robert says as he hugs Rory.

"Love, thank you for the honor of naming a baby after us," Finn says as he kisses her check.

"Guys we wouldn't have it any other way. We love you," Rory tells them as she is squashed in a group hug.

"You know mother, it's really not fair to make us cry," Colin jokes.

Logan and Rory laugh at them, as Mitchum walks up.

"I know I haven't always been easy on you guys, but thank you for including my name in there. Rory, I am sorry I ever doubted you and I'm sorry for the way my family behaved all those years ago. Thank you for still standing by my son after all this time. He made a fine choice in you over the plans I made for him," Mitchum says to them with a nod.

Here's the new update! Looks like the new baby Huntzbergers will be two boys and a girl..... hope you enjoyed the chapter thank you all again for all the support ❤💚💙💛

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