The Dinner PLan

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After getting Rory on board for dinner the next night instead of lunch that day, he decided to take it a step further. Especially since little did she know, but the guys would all be there the next day and there's no way they would let Logan have anytime alone with Rory, seeing as how they've all missed her as much as he has.

"Hey Ace. How do you feel about inviting your mom and Luke to dinner with us?"

"Umm well Logan, I haven't told Luke yet that we're back together, let alone that I'm pregnant."

"It's fine Ace. You can break the news that we're back together to him when you get home and than we can all celebrate at dinner the news of us being back together, than tell him you're pregnant in public."

"Yea I guess that could work. Luke is less likely to hurt you if we're in a public place," Rory replies with a laugh.

"Ok, so than it's settled? Dinner with your mom and Luke tomorrow night?"

"Yea, I'll mention it to mom tonight than have her help me tell Luke about us."

"Great. I'll make reservations for tomorrow night. Talk to you later Ace. I love you," he tells her.

"I love you too, Logan."

After ending his call with Rory, Logan calls and makes a reservation in Hartford at one of Rory's favorite places for all seven of them. Time for the big surprise. Now to just call off his wedding with Odette, break the news to his family, and hopefully marry the love of his life before their little jelly bean arrives.


I can't believe he still makes me feel like this after all these years, Rory thinks to herself with a smile. Now I better call mom and get her in on the plan with dinner.

Rory dials her mother's cell phone number and Lorelai answers on the third ring.

"Yes loin fruit?"

"Hi mom. How do you feel about dinner with me, Logan, and Luke tomorrow night?"

"But Luke doesn't know you guys are back together yet."

"I know mom. We can tell him that part tonight and than tell him the news about jelly bean at dinner. What do you think? It was Logan's idea."

"I like the sound of the pregnancy being told tomorrow night. Less chance Luke will hurt Logan that way since it'll be in a public place."

"That's what I said actually too," Rory laughs.

"Ok yea. Let's do dinner tomorrow night and enjoy a night out all together. Do you know where we're going yet?"

"No. Logan said its a surprise," Rory replies.

""Of course he did," Lorelai laughs.

"Ok well I'll see you at home in a bit than mom and than talk to Luke."

"Sounds good kid. Love you."

"Love you too mom."

Rory disconnects the call with her mother and starts to gather up her things from her desk so she can head home.


Rory and Lorelai get home within minutes of each other, like it was perfectly timed without the plan.

"Husband, where are you?" Lorelai calls out for Luke.

"In the kitchen wife," he replies with a smile.

"Great, may wanna get him out of the kitchen kid. Too many sharp objects," Lorelai whispers to her daughter, than adds louder to Luke, "hey hon, can you come talk with me and Rory in the living room?"

Luke enters the living room a moment later, "yea what's up?"

"Well Luke," Rory starts, "I've got some good news."

"Oh yea, what's that?"

"Logan and I are back together. He wants to take everyone out for dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?"

"Well I never cared for the guy, but alright. I just want you to be happy Rory."

"Thanks Luke. I'll let him know dinner is set for all of us," Rory replies before walking out of the living room so she can text Logan about dinner.

Hey Logan. Luke and mom are in for dinner. See you tomorrow. Love you -Ace.

Hey Ace. Sounds great. Made the reservations, I'll pick you guys up with the car at 6. Love you too -Logan.

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