Halfway Done

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Rory is now twenty-three weeks pregnant, the twins are a little over halfway done cooking and Logan has been even more amazing lately. Richard and Victoria are always active, and even more so at night when Logan is home from work. Rory's next appointment with her doctor is in the morning and it's time for the glucose testing to get done. It's being done a little late, but they couldn't get in for the test until now. Logan is taking the day off from work to go with her and than they have plans for a day out. Logan is taking her shopping for maternity clothes as her belly has gotten way too big for her to use the hair tie on the button anymore. Than they planned on dinner and movie, figuring they might as well enjoy going out just the two of them while they can before the babies get here. Rory has been writing for the book a lot today and has noticed that not only is she over halfway through her pregnancy, she's also over halfway through the book and will soon be working on her proposal for the publishers. As she notices this, the twins start kicking and her phone rings. Rory answers without looking at her caller ID.

"Hello mom."

"Hey there sweets. How are my grandbabies doing?"

"They're good mom. Kicking up a storm right now. What are you up too?"

"Just going over these renovations at the Annex and then headed to Luke's for coffee and lunch. What are you up too?"

"Just writing. Book's going good too. A little over halfway done with it now."

"That's great kid. Well I've been talking to Honor and we wanna set the date for your baby shower, so when are you free?"

"I'm free whenever mom. And Logan will take the day off from work, so just tells us when."

"Ok perfect. Than give me a call tomorrow and let me know how the appointment goes. Love you kid."

"Ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you too mom." Rory hangs up the phone with Lorelai and finishes up the chapter she'd been working on just as the door opens.

"Hey Ace. How's your day been?" Logan says as he kisses her.

"Hey Master and Commander. It's been productive actually. I did a bunch of writing."

"That's great. How are my babies?"

"Both are good, kicking. Think they knew it was time for daddy to get home," Rory says with a laugh as she pushes herself away from the desk so Logan can feel them kick.

Logan places his hands on Rory's belly and leans over to kiss her belly as well, "Hey there you two. Daddy's home." Richard and Victoria kick his hands.

"So what do you wanna do for dinner tonight Ace?"

"Well I think the twins would like Chinese tonight."

"Chinese sounds good actually. I'll call for delivery than Ace."

"Thank you my amazing husband. Have I told you how much I love you lately?" Rory says.

Logan laughs, "I'm sure you have but it's always nice to hear Ace."

"Well I really do love you," Rory says as she kisses him.

"I love you too Ace. I'll go call for the delivery now." Logan says as he kisses her again, then leaves the room they turned into the office so he can order their food.


Rory and Logan finished dinner and decided to watch a movie before they went to bed. About halfway through the movie, Rory turned to look at Logan who had been sitting there just watching her. She reached up with one hand and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Logan finally has to break away from the kiss to catch his breath.

"You trying to start something tonight Ace?" Logan asks her when he finally catches his breath.

"I can think of plenty things I'd rather do at this point than continue this movie Logan," she replies.

"Bed?" Logan asks.

"Definitely," she replies with a grin that tells him everything he needs to know.

Logan stands up, picks his wife up off the couch, and kisses her passionately, "Ok. Let's go to bed Ace." And then carries her to their bedroom.


Rory's alarm goes off and she gets up to start getting ready for her appointment. After she takes her shower and walks back out of the bathroom, she finds Logan awake.

"Morning dear," she says to him with a grin.

"Morning Ace. How'd you sleep?" he asks knowingly.

Rory kisses her husband,"Pretty good actually. You?"

"Not to bad. Ready for this test?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Go get ready so we can get there on time."

"Yes Ace. I'll jump in the shower now," he says as he gets up and kisses her belly before heading for the bathroom.

Rory finishes getting ready and by the time she's done, Logan is completely ready and has made her breakfast.

"Sorry Ace, doctor said no coffee before this appointment. I'll get you some though afterwards. Sound good?"

"Yea, that's fine. Thank you for breakfast," Rory tells him with a kiss.

They eat than head out for Rory's appointment. By the time they get there, they have five minutes till her actual appointment time, so they check in and wait.

"Rory Huntzberger," the nurse calls.


"Drink this and let us know when you're done. After you finish it, we can start the timer and after an hour, we can run the test."

"Ok great. Thank you," Rory tells the nurse as she takes the drink and goes to sit back down next to Logan.

Rory finishes the orange sugary drink and lets the nurses know so they can start her timer. The hour passes quickly and they call her back to start the blood work.

"Ok. We're all done here. The doctor will have your results in a few days as there's a rush on these and he will call if there's anything wrong," the nurse tells her.

"Great. Thank you." Rory says before she leaves with Logan to shop for clothes before their date night.

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