Let the Fun Begin!

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You'd think after all the drinking and fun of the first day they were at their Life and Death Brigade reunion, Rory would be hungover, but she wasn't. Rory hadn't drank at all in almost a year between her pregnancy and nursing the twins, yet she woke up feeling refreshed the next morning. She quickly pumped and dumped the milk, knowing the twins couldn't drink that after everything from the night before and got dressed. She heard voices as she walked out of the tent, knowing that Logan was already up and out of the tent with the guys, so she walked towards the voices.

"Morning Ace, sleep ok?" Logan asked as soon as he saw her walking up.

"Better than I have in a couple months actually," Rory replied with a laugh.

"Hello love. Speaking of horrid sleep, how are my darling niece and nephew?" Finn asks.

"They're great Finn. Growing like weeds and 100% healthy of course," Rory replies with a smile.

"Well good. Now if you'll excuse me, this coffee needs some scotch." Finn says as he walks away in search of his favorite drink.

Rory just laughs at him and turns back to Logan. She kisses him and asks, "So what other festivities do we have planned for this weekend?"

"Well I see you didn't check the tent for anything extra, so we need to get you your coffee and pop tarts, than head back to the tent and get you ready. But I'm not telling you what other festivities are planned, Ace."

"Of course you're not. Than let's get changed and have some fun."

"Alright. Well here's the aforementioned coffee and pop tarts. Let's have some fun." Logan says as they start to head back to the tent.

After they get back to the tent, Rory goes in and sitting on the bed is a box that looks strangely familiar.

"Logan, is this-"

"Open it Ace and you tell me."

Opening the box, Rory gasps, "Oh my god! Logan, it's beautiful. Are you recreating the first event I was allowed at?"

"Almost Ace. Just have to wait and see. Now change. You know I've always had an eye for dress sizes."

Rory laughs at her husband, "Logan I'm loving this weekend. I can't believe you did all this!"

"Well it's not over yet Ace," Logan replies, kissing her.

Rory and Logan quickly change into their clothes for the next event planned and rush out of the tent with Logan leading her. When they come to the clearing and Rory sees it, she knows Logan has recreated everything perfectly.

Turning to Rory, Logan says, "So what do you say Ace? Live another minute of your life and jump with me?"

Rory smiles, "You know it's always going to be that if you jump, I jump Jack."

"Than let's jump Ace."

Rory and Logan climb to the top and Rory notices there is an empty space and another person up there that she never expected to see here.

"Grandma what are you doing up here?" Rory asks Emily when she sees her.

"Well Rory, you didn't think that husband of yours was going to leave your grandfather and I put of this, did you?"

"Grandpa? How?"

"Well Ace, your grandmother and I talked about it and the guys all agreed. I wanted to acknowledge the man who supported you the most in everything, especially with this. We all agreed to make this jump a couples only jump, so your grandmother is up here and she'll jump with two harnesses on to signify your grandfather jumping with her. Than of course we're jumping and we have one more couple joining us now."

"Oh Logan. Thank you! I love this! But who's the other couple?"

"Hey there baby brother! Thanks for waiting for us," Honor says as she and Josh finally get to the top before Logan can answer Rory.

"Honor! Oh my god! It's so great to see you" Rory says as she hugs her sister in law.

"Hello sister! I've missed you too," Honor says with a smile, hugging Rory back.

"Alright, save your hellos for after the jump. Let's do this!" Logan says.

With everyone harnessed up and ready to go, they hold on to their parasols and as one group, jump and yell, "In omnia paratus!"

After everyone lands, Rory turns to Logan and smiles with tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much for this. I love you."

"I love you too Ace. But it's not over yet," Logan says as he hugs her.

"Of course it's not. What else have you planned Mr. Huntzberger?"

"Well Mrs. Huntzberger, follow the girls and they'll help you figure it out," Logan replies with a smile.

Rory kisses Logan and than turns to follow the girls, "Ok. I still can't believe you did all of this."

Rory follows the girls to a cabin and finds a card with another box. Opening the card first, she recognizes the handwriting immediately as Logan's.

Dear Ace,
I love you more than you will ever know. Put on this dress and the girls will bring you back to another area. See you soon. -your husband L

Rory smiles and opens the box to find another beautiful dress.

"What has this boy planned in just a month?" Rory muses out loud.

"Well Rory, he has planned a lot in just a month. Now chop chop, don't keep that brother of mine waiting too long," Honor says.

Rory changes quickly, "I know. I'm ready. Let's go."

Everyone leaves the cabin quickly and heads back towards the original clearing, before making a turn that would take them to a different clearing where Logan had planned something even bigger than the jump. Standing on the edge of the clearing as it came into view, she saw Logan.

Rory smiles at Logan, "What is all of this?"

"Well Ace, after all the fun of yesterday and the jump today, I figured I'd add this to everything this year. This weekend was the anniversary of your first event all those years ago, so I wanted to make this one just as memorable."

"Logan I can't believe you remembered this weekend was that anniversary. It's been so long, and to be able to get everyone here for this couldn't have been easy."

"Ace you're family to everyone here. They all had to be here for this one. So let's enjoy your party and have a bit more fun before it's back to work and parenthood," Logan tells her with his signature smirk.

Rory smiles at him and follows him the rest of the way into the party where Finn, Robert, and Colin are all standing with their usual scotch, "I can't believe you guys helped him with all of this. And that you got it set up in just a month!"

"Oh love, you give us not enough credit!" Finn starts.

"Yes gorgeous. We had it all figured out and set within two weeks, Logan just wanted to put it off to a month to give you time to be okay with leaving the twins for a couple days," Robert says with a smile.

Colin laughs, "There was still a lot of scotch involved, but we planned everything with no problems even with all the scotch."

"Oh you boys and your scotch," Rory says laughing and rolling her eyes.

"Boys I think she's laughing at us again," Logan says with a smirk.

"Oh never. I don't laugh at you, it's always with you," Rory smiles.

Everyone laughs at her comment and decided to party the rest of the night away before they leave the next day to go back to their jobs and any other responsibilities. Emily said her goodbyes earlier and headed back to Nantucket, after of course telling Rory to bring the twins by to see her and soon, which Rory agreed to do as soon as they were headed home the next day.

Rory looks around and smiles at all of her friends from the Brigade. As she looks at Logan and he catches her eye, she can't help but feel even happier after everything that has changed. They have the twins, they're finally married and they have their whole lives ahead of them....

What more could she ever want?

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