Six Weeks Left

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"Logan can you believe it's already been six weeks since the baby shower?"
"Are you sure Ace? It doesn't feel like it's been that long."
"I know dear. But yes, it's been six weeks. We are just six weeks away from the twins' due date."
"That's crazy. Are you ready?"
"I'm want them to be full term, but yes I am definitely done being pregnant if that's what you're asking," Rory says as she sits down on their couch and places her hands on her belly.
Logan kisses her, "I know Ace. I'm ready for them to be here too. I hate seeing you so uncomfortable."
"Well the good news with twins is the doctor thinks it would be best to plan for a c-section just in case. Especially since your daughter is stubborn like you and refuses to turn head down. They don't want to risk her staying breached when I go into labor if my water breaks."
"That's true. Has she brought up when she wants to do the c-section if that's the case?"
"No. She said we would discuss it next appointment if Victoria is still breached."
"Ok. I like that idea than. When's the next appointment Ace?"
"Tuesday at 12. So couple days. Are you able to make it?"
"Yes. I'll take the day off to be with you," Logan tells her.
"Ok. Perfect." Rory replies, grabbing his hand so he can feel the twins moving again. They've been so active today and Logan always loves to feel them move.
"They have been moving nonstop today. They sleep at all in there?" Logan asks her.
"Doesn't seem like it. These two are definitely going to be like we were in college. All play and no sleep," Rory laughs.
"That's kind of scary. Remind me to buy a shotgun and put bars on Victoria's windows when she starts dating," Logan half teases.
"Shotgun I'll remind you. Bars, not so much." Rory laughs at him.
"Ace we are so close to these babies being here. I can't wait."
"I know my love. Me either."
The rest of their weekend flies by and before they know it Tuesday is here and it's time for their appointment to possibly schedule the c-section for the twins delivery. As they sit in the waiting room and wait to see what the doctor says is their best option, the twins are active as always. Feeling how active they are now makes Rory nervous since they will have these active little bundles very soon and it's like they never sleep.
"Rory Huntzberger," the nurse suddenly calls.
Logan helps Rory stand and than holds her hand as they walk to the back and into the room for the nurse to take Rory's vitals. The nurse finishes up her vitals & than leads Rory and Logan to the exam room.
"Ya know Ace, I still haven't gotten used to them using Huntzberger when they call you back," Logan says with a grin.
"I know. It's still crazy to think we're married and it's been several months since the ceremony," she smiles at him.
"Exactly. But I wouldn't have it any other way. And have I told you how much I love you lately by the way?"
"I'm sure you have but this pregnancy brain of mine causes me to forget these things on a daily basis," she says teasingly.
Logan smiles and kisses her just as the doctor knocks on the door and comes in.
"Hello Rory. How are you all doing today?"
"Very good. Thank you doctor. The twins are going crazy and moving constantly. So all is good here."
"Well that's good to hear. Shall we check out their heartbeats than see if that daughter of yours is cooperating yet and head down finally?"
"Yes please." Logan replies before Rory gets a chance to say anything.
Doctor pulls the ultrasound machine closer to them and gets measurements of the twins than turns on the sound so they can hear the nice strong heartbeats so the babies.
"Well everything looks good, however it looks like she is still set to come out feet first if we don't do a c-section Rory. Are you ok with that option?"
"I'm ok with anything that will get both of them out safely Doctor," Rory says.
"Ok perfect. Than we can get you set up with the front desk to schedule that for about four weeks out and go from there. We will also put you on weekly appointments now and you're all set."
"Thank you doctor. We'll see you next week than." Rory replies before the doctor walks out of the room.
Rory cleans up her stomach from the jelly and Logan helps her off the exam table. 
"Wow. We could be holding the twins in just four weeks Ace." Logan finally says when they're done.
"I know. It's crazy." Rory replies.
Rory and Logan leave the room and talk to front desk. They get her next 3 appointments scheduled for the doctor's office and also get her c-section scheduled. Exactly four weeks away. They are both nervous, but very excited that they will have the twins in just four short weeks.

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