The Vows

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The guys are standing next to Logan and all are smiling as Rory takes her place next to Logan and in front of the judge. Luke and Lorelai each kiss a cheek on Rory and step back to watch them finally say I Do after all this time.

Logan and Rory had talked before and decided to write their own vows, so once the judge had gotten the ceremony started, he gave Logan the go ahead to say his vows.

"Ace, I never knew I could love someone. Than I met you at Yale all those years ago. I fell in love with you right from the start but was too young, scared, and stupid to tell you. Even after all this time and everything we have been through, I still love you as much as I did than if not more. I regretted every day giving you the ultimatum of all or nothing, than seeing you Hamburg it was like I was getting a second chance to make it right. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, raising our children to go for anything and everything they want, and showing you how much you mean to me. I love you always, Rory Gilmore."

As Logan finishes his vows, he places another ring on her finger with her engagement ring that's just as beautiful. After the ring is placed and Rory gets a look at it, the tears really start to fall. Than the judge gave Rory the signal to say her vows for Logan.

"Logan, when we met, you had never been in a proper relationship and you were every bit of a party boy. I thought you were just a spoiled little boy who didn't have a care in the world. As I got to know you though, I fell in love with you for you. You were everything I thought, but so much more. You were also caring and an amazing person who had so much to offer. When you asked me to marry you the first time, I wasn't ready for it. I knew I loved you, but I wasn't ready to be married. I missed you everyday until that fateful day in Hamburg. It really was a second chance for us and I was so excited to see where we could go. I am so excited to see where this journey takes us with our children and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you for saying no and missing out on so much time together. I love you always and forever, Logan Huntzberger."

As Rory finished her vows, Lorelai passed a ring to her for Logan and she placed it on his finger with a smile and tears in her eyes. The judge takes his cue at this point to end the ceremony.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Logan, you may kiss your bride."

Logan gently pulls Rory to him and kisses her with an undeniable passion. This is the kiss that signals the beginning of their new life together and so much more.

"Lady and gentlemen, may I be the first to introduce the new Mr. and Mrs. Logan Huntzberger!" the judge says after they finally break apart with smiles.

"And it's about time too!" Finn says, laughing.

"Three cheers for these two!" Robert cheers,

"Now where's the scotch to celebrate?" Colin jokes.

"Well back to our place to celebrate for now," Logan says.

The guys get in a car with Lorelai and Luke while Logan and Rory get in another car that the guys decorated and hired to take them back to their current place while they still look for a bigger house for them and the kids. As soon as they get into their car, Logan pulls Rory onto his lap and kisses her with even more passion than the kiss that sealed their vows.

"Logan, do we really have to go home right now?" Rory asks, breaking the kiss.

"Up to you, Ace. Why?"

"Well it's just, I'd rather do something else," Rory says as she gives him a look that says it all.

"Are you saying that you don't want to go and celebrate with everyone else?" Logan asks, finally catching up with where she's at.

"That is exactly what I'm saying, Logan," Rory replies, while biting her lip.

"Ok. I'll text the guys," Logan says.

Logan quickly types out a message to Robert-

Not coming home. You guys enjoy the celebration, wife apparently has other plans. -Logan

Robert replies within seconds-

Yea I'm sure she does. Have fun. Lol -Robert

"George, take us to The Plaza." Logan tells him.

"Sure thing, Mr. Huntzberger," the driver replies.

The driver pulls up to The Plaza Hotel and opens the door for Logan and Rory to get out. Logan helps Rory out of the car. Logan had already made the reservations for them anyways, so they were good to go. He checked them in for their honeymoon suite and they headed upstairs.

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