Wedding Day

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Rory and Logan made their calls and everyone was available that weekend, so they decided to go ahead with the wedding Saturday. Which was finally here. It was time to become Mrs. Logan Huntzberger. Rory couldn't wait! Logan had left to run a quick errand and Rory had no idea what he was doing, as usual with him. He always had to surprise her with something. Logan had been so romantic and was constantly catering to her every need. This time, he had just said he'd see her for the ceremony, kissed her, said I love you, and left quickly before she could ask him anything.

Rory was getting ready for the ceremony when there was a knock at the door and a voice called out.

"Loin fruit! Open up!" Lorelai calls.

"Coming mom!" Rory says as she opens the door.

Lorelai hugs her daughter right away.

"Hey there sweets."

"Hi mom."

"How are my grandbabies? You finally popped a bit I see!"

"Yes. I finally have a small bump."

"You look so cute pregnant hon. When do we find out for sure what those little beans are?"

"Couple more weeks mom. Doctor said we should be able to find out around 16-17 weeks if babies cooperate."

"Good. Am I allowed to come to that appointment?" Lorelai asks her daughter.

"Yes mom. I already talked to Logan about it and he agrees that you should be there."

"Great. Well let's finish getting you ready for this wedding than get you married," Lorelai replies.

"Sounds good mom. Where's Luke by the way?"

"He's coming, don't worry. He wouldn't miss this for anything kid."

"Ok just wondering."

"He wanted to get you something from us for the wedding and said he'd meet us there kid."

"Oh. You guys don't have to do that!"

"Yes kid. We do. It's not every day your only daughter gets married."

"Thank you mom."

"You're welcome kid. Love you."

"Love you too mom." Rory replies as she steps into her off white dress she got specifically for this ceremony.

After Rory is done getting her dress on, Lorelai starts to tear up.

"Oh hon, you look beautiful!"

"Thank you mom. I still can't believe I'm about to become Mrs. Logan Huntzberger. It's all so crazy and so fast!"

"Rory, you can't say it's fast. You guys are having twins together. This is just your next step. You'll be fine, I promise babe. Now let's go get you married!"

"Ok mom. Let's go get me married to that man of mine!"

Lorelai and Rory walk out of the room to head for the car that would take them to the park that Logan said to meet him at for the ceremony. Logan had a judge who was a family friend that said he'd perform the ceremony for them today.

When Lorelai and Rory get there, Luke is already there and waiting for them at the edge of the park to walk Rory to her future that awaits. Rory is finally calm and ready for the next part of her journey with Logan.

Luke takes one of Rory's arms while Lorelai takes the other to walk her to Logan. Logan had talked Rory into adding more to this ceremony and they had decided to write their own vows for both ceremonies. Rory reaches Logan finally and as Luke places Rory's hand in Logan's, she is finally home, right she belongs.

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