The Meeting

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Rory was playing with Richard and Victoria on the floor in the living room when her phone suddenly rings. Looking at the screen, she sees that it's a number she doesn't recognize. She decides to pick it up in the off chance it's a publishing company about her book.

"Rory Huntzberger," she says.

"Hello Rory. This is Michelle Richards with Random House Publishing company," the woman on the other line replies.

"Yes, hello Michelle. How are you?"

"I'm very well, thank you. Will be even better if you can tell me that you're still looking for a publisher for your book."

"Yes. I absolutely am still looking for a publisher."

"Great. Can we set up a meeting for Friday morning at 9 than?"

"Perfect. I will see you Friday morning. Thank you so much."

"Absolutely. Thank you as well, Rory. See you Friday."

Rory disconnects the call, still trying to catch her breath. She's getting published! The book will be published for sure, and it's going through a company that is not connected to her in-laws! Rory couldn't be more excited, especially when she knows the book will be published because of her writing and not because of the family she married into.

Rory is still on cloud nine while playing with the twins when Logan got home from work, "Hey Ace. How was your day?"

"It was pretty amazing babe. How was work?"

"Long. Now why was it amazing?"

"I got a call from Random House Publishing."

"That's great Ace! What's going on?"

"Well I have a meeting with them on Friday at 9am and it sounds like they really want to publish my book!" Rory exclaims to him.

"Oh my god! Ace, I'm so proud of you! You did it baby!"

"Thank you honey. I can't believe that I'm doing this the way I wanted!"

"I know Ace. I'm happy for you," Logan says as he hugs and kisses Rory.

Rory holds him a little longer and deepens the kiss. Logan breaks away finally to catch his breath and huskily tells her, "You know Ace, it's not fair to do that when bedtime for the twins isn't for another couple hours."

"I promise I'll make it up to you later," Rory replies just as huskily.

"Well I look forward to that Mrs. Huntzberger."

"Mmmmm as do I Mr. Huntzberger."

Logan smirks, "Well what do you say to delivery tonight instead of making dinner?"

"Sounds good to me Logan. Chinese?"

"Of course Ace," Logan laughs and walks out to get the menu for their favorite chinese food place so he can order all of Rory's favorites. Logan quickly makes the call, orders their food and comes back out to the living room. He sits on the floor with Rory and starts to play with the twins.

"So how long till food gets here babe?"

"About 45 minutes Ace."

"Ok great. Wanna help me give the twins a bath?" Rory asks as she starts to stand up with Victoria.

"Sounds great. I'll get Richard though," Logan replies as he stands with Richard.

They head upstairs and get the twins in their bath. Logan loves to help with their baths. It's one of those things that he enjoys doing with Rory after a long day at work.


They had finished giving the twins their baths and were eating. Richard and Victoria were in their high chairs with some Chinese food in front of them. As they finish eating, the twins start yawning rubbing their eyes.

"I think they're getting tired Ace," Logan says as he looks at the twins.

"Yea, they're like clockwork babe. Every night by 8, they are done for the night. So I guess that means bed time for them."

Logan gets up and cleans their dishes quickly, than helps get the twins out of their high chairs so they can get to bed. Rory and Logan walk upstairs with the twins and get them in their cribs.

"Good night babies. Love you, see you in the morning," Rory says to the twins as they put them to bed.


It's finally here. The week has flown by so fast and Friday is finally here. Rory has her meeting with Michelle at Random House and she's beyond nervous. Lorelai arrived last night to stay with the twins while she went to the meeting. Logan left for work already too, so she's freaking out even more.

"Mom! I don't know what to wear. I'm so nervous and I can't figure out what to wear!"

"Oh kid you'll be fine. No need to be nervous, the book is great. I'll help you figure out what to wear now and you'll be fine."

Rory and Lorelai go through her closet and check out every outfit, "Ugh mom. I have to go. What am I gonna wear???"

Lorelai comes across the suit she bought Rory all those years ago, right before they went to Mia's wedding, "Hey kid. Does this still fit?"

"Oh I have no idea mom, but dammit I hope so! That would be perfect!!"

Rory quickly tries on the suit and breathes a sigh of relief when it fits perfectly, "Thank God! Ok, I'm gonna get out of here so I can make it to the meeting. Bye mom, kiss the twins for me when they wake up. Thanks again for this!"

Rory runs out to the car where Frank is waiting for her, "Hello Frank. Off to Random House Publishing please."

"Of course Mrs. Rory. We're set," Frank replies as he pulls away from the house and heads towards the publishing company.

They pull up to the building and Rory heads inside, where she checks in with the receptionist, "Hello, I'm Rory Huntzberger and I have a meeting with Michelle Richards at 9am."

"I'll let her know now. Just a moment, Rory."

"Great thank you."

Five minutes later, Michelle comes out of her office and walks up to Rory, "Hello Rory. I'm Michelle. Let's go into my office and talk about this amazing book of yours, shall we?"

"Hello Michelle. Absolutely," Rory says and follows her to her office.

They spend the next hour going over everything about the book and then the topic of a book tour comes up.

"Are you willing to do a book tour?" Michelle asks.

"I am, as long as it's not too long since I have twins and my husband."

"That's not a problem. I was thinking just the surrounding areas and maybe a couple areas on the west coast. What do you think?"

"I can do that. The west coast ones, I'll bring my family with me."

"Perfect. Shall we go over the contract and get everything set?"


They go over the contract for another hour than Rory signs the contract, knowing Logan will agree with everything as well.

"Perfect. We're all set Rory. We can get to work to see if there's anything to edit. I really don't think there is as it's written beautifully, but still."

"Absolutely. Thank you again. I look forward to working with you," Rory says as she stands up and shakes Michelle's hand.

"You're welcome Rory. I look forward to working with you as well."

Rory leaves the publishing company and heads home with Frank. She can't believe her book is really getting published. It's finally happening. Everything is going perfectly, now to just finish getting everything set up for the twins' birthday party next month and then start the book tour.

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