The Proposal

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"Ace, my one and only, I have never loved anyone the way that I have always loved you, even after all these years. Now we have the twins coming and I can't imagine any other better way to start the rest of our lives together than to take the next step," Logan begins with tears in his eyes, "I love you and these babies so much. Will you please make me even happier than you already do and marry me?"

"Logan, I love you so much and there is no one I'd rather spend my life with or have these babies with," Rory starts with tears in her eyes, "Yes. I will marry you!"

Logan kisses Rory and then says, "Pick your ring, my Ace. Anything you want."

Rory goes through the counters in the jewelry store before she finds a ring that catches her.

"Can I try this one on, please?" Rory asks the saleslady.

"Absolutely miss," she replies as she takes the ring out of the counter for Rory to try on.

As the saleslady starts to hand the ring to Rory so she can try it on, Logan intercepts them both.

"Can I actually do this one?" he asks the saleslady.

"Absolutely sir."

Logan gets back down on one knee and takes Rory's hand, then puts the ring on her finger as tears start to fall from both of their eyes.

"This is definitely the ring, Ace." Logan says.

"Yes, it is Logan." she replies with a smile and a kiss as Logan stands back up.

"We'll take it," Logan turns to the saleslady and hands her his credit card to pay for the ring.

After ringing up their purchase and leaving the jewelry store, they get in the car and head for the restaurant to eat. Rory leans over to kiss Logan again after they are in the car and it's a kiss that sets every inch of her on fire. She has never been happier than she is in this moment, with Logan and pregnant with their babies.

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