All Is One, One Is All

42 3 3

Ichi wa zen, zen wa ichi

The trio sat in the train, waiting for their stop. Ed had already dozed off while Al and Storm sat opposite to each other watching out the window.
"So how did you meet this teacher of yours?" the white-haired alchemist asked.
Al hummed as he remembered, "It was a really rainy day, the river bank in the village was flooding. The sand bags weren't holding and were swept away, then this lady just came up and created walls from alchemy! It was amazing."
"So you asked her to teach you both?" it was a statement rather than a question.
"Yup, but it wasn't as easy as it sounded!"
"I could imagine, the way the both of you talked about her, the more she sounds of some great warrior or a good leader, I can't wait to meet her." Right then, Ed woke with a gasp.
"You were dreaming of him again?" Ed nodded and the brothers were glad that Storm asked no questions but instead chose to look out the window.

"How about we just turn around and go back to Amestris." Ed squeaked as they stood in front of a butcher's shop.
Suddenly the door opened and a bloody knife was shown, Storm was immediately on guard but stopped at Ed's hand on his shoulder.
" It's the Elric brothers." The large man said.
"Hey Sig, it's me-"
"Edward" he patted Ed's head roughly, Storm could faintly hear Ed say, he's squishing me!
"I know you may not recognize me, but I'm Alphonse." the man also patted him, "No one's ever patted me!"
Storm chuckled, still standing by the road. "So who is your friend?" Sig asked.
"Sig meet Storm, a state alchemist, and Storm meet Sig, Teacher's husband." Ed introduced.

Sig carried them to the back where there was a small garden.
"The Elric brothers are here and they brought a friend, do you think you are well enough to see them?" Sig asked, leaning by a window, they could hear a female voice reply, I'm feeling a little better today.
A few seconds ticked by when the door was suddenly kicked open and a sandal was aimed at Ed's head, he flew into the wall across the street. "WHAT IS THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOU BECOMING A STATE ALCHEMIST?"
Storm stood beside Sig, understanding that this was not his fight, Sig surprisingly rested his arm on his shoulder.
Al hesitated, them walked to the teacher. "Hi t-teacher, you may not recognize me b-but I'm -"
"Alphonse! My how you have grown." Al held her outstretched hand- then was promptly flipped over.
"Amazing, her fighting skills allow her to manipulate the weight of objects around her." Storm muttered.
"Yes." Sig heard and answered, "It's like using alchemy, but adjusting herself instead." Storm nodded at this, but their conversation seemed to have caught the attention of the teacher.
"My, and who is this?" she questioned. Sig could feel Storm stiffen, like a arrow in a bow ready to spring at the slightest movement.
"This is Storm, a friend of the brothers." Sig introduced.
"Well it's nice to meet you, how about we go inside and chat-" suddenly she coughed up blood, Sig ran to her leaving Storm startled.
"Don't worry, she'll be ok." Ed and Al came behind him.

Storm ignored most of the conversation, until till Ed gritted out, "Hohenhime." He recognized that name, unfortunately, but that was a story for a next time.
"Yes, you know him?" the woman named Izumi asked.
"He's our father." Al answer.
Izumi and Storm's eyes widened.
Izumi narrowed her eyes at Ed's anger and promptly knocked him on the head. "Come, let's get dinner on the table."

Still having a bit of spiritual reshi, it required Storm to eat at some point, so he had no problem eating but Al however...
"You aren't eating Al?" Sig asked.
"I'm fine, I ate a big meal on the train!" came Al's hurried answer.
"So Storm, how did you meet the Elrics?" Izumi asked.
"I was transferred to a new team which involved the Elrics so I teamed up with them to work on missions from the head of military." Storm answered without hesitation.
"Say, how exactly is someone your age working in the military, it just seems like they're hiring younger and younger people." Sig questioned this time.
"It was their way of keeping an eye on me, so that no trouble would be caused."
"Trouble?" Izumi looked at him, "I mean, it's obvious that your not full Amestrian, but that shouldn't cause trouble, war or not." Ed looked up for Storm's answer.
Their was hesitation on his face, "That's because I was, technically still am part of the war." he mumbled, Ed realized that he was expecting that same reaction of Dominic from Izumi.
"And how is it that you are connected to the war?" Izumi continued.
"Ten years ago, I fought in the war, on the Isbalian's side." Izumi looked up in surprise but Storm continued, "During a bombing, I was captured by the Amestrians and had to work with them, basically."
"Interesting, I apologize for asking this, but how old are you?"
He hesitated again, technically I am much older, so I can't tell them that. "I'm.... not exactly sure." the four sent him shocked looks. "Truthfully, I've never really known."
"Hm, I see."

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