Two: Visions

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Ezra meditated, gathering power from the Force. His unease hadn't faded, and he needed the time to search the Force for the source.

Ezra heard the door open, but ignored it, thinking it was Zeb. Before, when he tried to meditate, the Lasat used to torment him about it, trying to get him to lose his focus. It was just teasing, Ezra knew, but he was glad it had stopped. Now Zeb minded his own business when it came to 'Jedi stuff'.

It came out of the blue. A sudden vision filled him, and he was suddenly looking down at a surprising scene.

Two Twi'leks, a man and a woman, knelt on a stone floor wearing binders. Behind them stood two storm troopers with guns to their heads, and around the corner, about twenty more troopers stood, waiting, it seemed.

The Twi'lek woman was crying, and the man trying to comfort her. Even though Ezra was far away, he could hear what the man was saying crystal clear. "It will all be alright. Everyone will be fine."

The door in front of the Twi'leks flew open, and Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb entered, guns at the ready. At their entry, the troopers' guns snapped against the heads of the Twi'leks.

An officer Ezra hadn't seen before stepped into the room from a different doorway, and all of the Spectres' guns followed his movement. The officer chuckled. "If you shoot me, those troopers have orders to shoot your friends." He motioned to the Twi'leks.

"Karabast," said Zeb. "It's a set up."

"Quite right you are Lasat," the officer replied. "It was quite easy to feed false information into the spies we, so unfortunately, have in our midst." He looked down his nose at them. "Drop your weapons, or Iress and Morass Talkana die."

It only took a second of hesitation before Kanan, Zeb and Sabine all dropped their blasters, but the officer wasn't fooled. "And your lightsaber, Jedi."

Kanan sighed, and threw down the saber from his belt. "Now let our friends go!"

The officer smirked and raised his hand, beckoning the hidden troopers.

Within seconds the weapons on the floor had been collected, and the storm troopers surrounded the rebels.

Binders were quickly produced and placed on the crew, and Ezra could only watch as they were taken captive.
The officer smirked as they were searched, clearly revelling in his moment of power, before turning back to the troopers behind the Twi'leks.

"They've served their purpose. Shoot them."

The troopers repositioned their blasters, Iress whimpered, and Morass held her hand reassuringly. Before a purple shape came flying out of a closet.

He watched one of the troopers raise his blaster and shoot her at it before returning it to Iress and firing again.
He looked down at the purple Twi'lek girl as she gasped for breath, a blaster wound in her chest. And heard her speak in stilted, dying tones.

"!" Then she fell limp.

Somehow, Ezra knew the Twi'lek girl's name, and felt it fly out of his mouth.

A small step, the one that determines destiny often is.
~Jedi Proverb

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