Twenty-Seven: To Free A Friend

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Ezra struggled, his fingers trying to remove the vise like grip that held him suspended in air. He briefly wondered where the small Twi'lek had been hiding all that strength, but that thought was quickly banished as a more urgent one took its place. He was running out of air.
"Need to...breathe!"
Plagueis loosened his hold, just enough for Ezra to take in a small amount of air, his eyes still alight with yellow fire. "Where is Maul?"
Ezra shook his head, trying to clear his mind. With so little air, it was going foggy. "Prob...ably...still on Dath...amire," he wheezed.
Abruptly, the Sith dropped him, turning away while Ezra lay gasping in the dust. "Of course, Dathamire. His home." He chuckled darkly. "I thought he died."
"Yeah, well," Ezra got to his knees, dusting himself off. "It'd be better if he had. He's caused the Rebellion, not to mention myself, nothing but trouble."
Plagueis looked up towards the sky, just as a Rebel ship left the atmosphere, a glint in his eye. "You say Maul wanted you as his apprentice? Yes, you may be more valuable than I expected." He turned back to Ezra, a confident smile on his face. "I accept your conditions."
Ezra frowned. "I won't become your apprentice."
Plagueis waved it off. "So you said, but I do not need you that way. So do we have an accord?"
Ezra hesitated, searching the Sith's face for something that might hint deception. He crossed his arms. "Yeah, we gotta deal."
Sabine followed the slight tracks she knew to be Ezra's through the underbrush. If he had gone back for Arene...
Her hands fisted at her side, and she shook her head. Sabine knew Ezra. That was exactly what happened. He couldn't rest while his friend was trapped by a Sith Lord.
Sabine did respect him for that, but there was too much to risk in this case. Arene was gone for now, and other things—like Mandalore's future—had to take precedence. Maybe they could get the girl back later, but too much was at stake at the moment.
Suddenly, Sabine stopped, listening. Up ahead, she could hear low voices. She ducked down, and drew her blasters. If Arene had given control back to Plagueis, Sabine wasn't going to let her Ezra get hurt.
Plagueis stepped forward, but stopped suddenly, as if frozen. A strangled sob came from his mouth. "Don't do it Ezra. I'm not worth it!"
Ezra shook his head, moving forward and placing a hand on her arm. "You're worth everything."
Instantly, Plagueis was back in command, an angry fire in his eyes from the interruption. He didn't speak, just looked at Ezra, his eyes cynical saying everything.
Are you certain?
"I'm sure," Ezra answered confidently.
The padawan and the Sith both knelt, connecting to the Force, and each other.
Ezra closed his eyes. He felt the dark presence envelope him, and cold dread swept through him. Maybe this had been a bad idea.
Plagueis opened his eyes, looking at the Twi'lek girl laying prostrate across from him. He sniffed in disdain at her weakness.
Umm, can I take her back to base now?
Plaguies could have groaned, but he held it in. Wren is near. I will give you control.
Plagueis quickly descended to the back of Ezra's mind, and he felt the boy take control.
Ezra moved forward quickly, and scooped Talkana into his arms. Plagueis was disgusted at the tenderness that he was sensing from this boy. All you want is to protect your friends. How quaint.
Ezra nodded slightly and answered quietly. "They saved me, I don't want to fail them."
That will be your failure.
Sabine drew nearer, hunched down, and finally was able to see Ezra.
He was sitting on the ground, Arene's head in his lap, and she appeared to be asleep. She came closer, and was able to make out what he was saying.
"...ake up, Arene. You're safe now. C'mon, wake up."
Sabine slipped out of the vegetation, and moved closer. "What happened?"
He didn't startle, meaning he had sensed her before she came out of her hiding place. He turned and gave her a tired smile. "I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get her to base."
Sabine bit her lip, looking down on the girl. She looked harmless enough, but Sabine knew what she was capable of. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Ezra nodded. "I dealt with Plagueis." He looked back down at her sleeping face. "She's free."
The next night, Plagueis practiced in the middle of a clearing, crimson saber in hand. Bridger had given his body, but the Sith realized he had really been gifted the way to turn this padawan into a Sith Lord.
The Pain of Loss.

The Force is a mountain rising from the water--the Dark Side is merely the submerged, scum-covered underside. If you choose to dive, the slime will trap and drown you.
~Master Sabla-Mandibu

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