Fifteen: Returning Home

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Three days later

Kanan sat in the common room, opposite Arene. Zeb and Chopper sat beside him, playing Dejarik, but he didn't really notice. All he could think about was Ezra's question.
Now why would he be wondering about Master Unduli?
Arene shifted slightly, and spoke. "Are you feeling alright, Kanan?"
The Jedi smiled slightly. "Just wondering about Ezra asked about."
When she came onto the Ghost, Kanan had noticed her Force sensitivity, but he and Ezra had decided not to tell her. She'd just lost her parents, and there really wasn't a way that Kanan could teach her. Ezra alone was trouble enough.
"And you? How are you doing?"
Kanan heard her shift slightly. "I am doing better, thank you. It is a comfort to know they are in a better place."
Kanan nodded. "They're one with the Force, now."
After a slight pause of hesitation, the Twi'lek girl spoke again. "What is the Force?"
"The Force is an energy shield created by all living things. It surround us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together."
"Does that mean anyone can learn to use it?"
Kanan hesitated, trying to find the right way to put it. "Not everyone. Only some people are Force sensitive. And even then, it takes years of training to truly master the Force."
He could sense her turmoil. "Why do you want to know?"
She didn't answer for a second, but Kanan could feel her emotions roiling inside her.
"Because my parents were killed by the Empire! If I had this power, I could have saved them! And if I could still have it, I could keep other things from happening, and make the Empire pay for what they have done to me, to my parents! I would be powerful, not weak like I am now."
Kanan was surprised a her emotional burst. He hadn't seen all the anger, the hatred lying right under the surface. He spoke carefully.
"You want revenge for the pain they've caused."
"Yes--no! I want justice!"
"The Empire will get justice. Someday."
"But I want them to pay now! I want them to suffer for what they have done to so many people!"
"That sounds like revenge, not justice."
"Is there really a difference?"
"Yes, there is. Justice is the fair consequences of actions, revenge is inflicting pain or hurt on your enemy. And revenge is not the Jedi way."
"I am not a Jedi!"
Zeb and Chopper weren't playing their game anymore.
"If you wanted to be a Force-Wielder, but not a Jedi, you would be a Sith."
" a Sith?"
"The Sith are the users of the Dark Side. They use the Force for their own selfish gain."
"But it wouldn't be for my own gain! I want to protect other people!"
"A Jedi, not long ago, fell to the Dark Side to save his wife's life."
"Then it cannot be wrong!"
Kanan shook his head. "It ended up that his own fall was the reason his wife died."
Arene stayed quiet, and Kanan bowed his head. No, she wasn't ready to know.
Sabine sat in the cockpit with Hera. If all went to plan, Ezra should contact them today to confirm the rescue. Except that things usually didn't go to plan.
There had been no further communications between Ezra and the Ghost crew, for safety reasons, and now, Sabine was going crazy in her head with worry. What if he didn't succeed, what if he got caught?
The door behind her slid open, and Sabine glanced back to see Kanan enter. He smiled slightly. "Sabine, you're worrying again."
She sighed. "I know. I'm trying not to, know."
"I know. Just trust him."
Sabine smiled. "I will."
Just then, the com crackled to life. "This is Spectre Six, affirming extraction. We'll reach Chopper Base in approximately three hours GST. See you soon, Ghost crew."
The group all exchanged grins of relief and joy, and Sabine left to tell Arene. She hadn't missed how much the girl had relied on Ezra while he was here.
Sabine guessed that also might have been one reason Ezra was selected for the mission. She needed to learn to stand on her own, and Sabine thought she had.
She entered the cabin she'd been sharing with Arene to see the young Twi'lek standing in the middle of the room, seemingly in indecision, with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. "Arene?" Sabine looked at her worriedly. "Are you okay?"
Arene didn't seem to be surprised that she was there, so Sabine assumed the girl had heard her enter. "I am fine, Sabine. I was only thinking."
"Good, 'cause I have some great news!"
Arene turned towards her, a hopeful sparkle in her eyes. "Ezra?"
Sabine nodded and smiled. "He just commed in. He'll be here in about three hours."
Her smile seemed to drop a bit. "So long?"
Sabine chuckled and punched her in the arm playfully. "You mean so soon. It's been actually quiet without him."
Arene laughed a little, and Sabine shook her head slightly. "No, I know what you mean. I've missed him too."
"Well, not too long, now."
Sabine nodded.
"Arene, I..."
The girl cocked her head to the side. "Yes?"
"I was just wondering, is something wrong?"
Arene sighed, and her shoulders slumped. "Not really. It's just...hard, to know I will never see them again."
Sabine gave her a sad smile. "I know what you mean. When I was thirteen, I left the Imperial Academy I was training at as a cadet. I never saw my mom again after that, but I recently learned that she...joined the Empire."
Arene caught her breath, and Sabine could see tears in her eyes. "Oh, Sabine, I am so sorry. And...your father?"
Sabine just shook her head.
Arene gave her a sad little smile. "Then you have lost, as I have. You understand."
Sabine nodded. "It's why I fight. Because while we're fighting, I have hope that the Empire will someday be brought to justice."
For some reason, the girl flinched slightly. "Justice," she murmured. Sabine smiled and nodded again. "Yes, justice."
Ezra smiled slightly as Chopper Base came into view, and the cadet sitting beside him leaned forward. "That's the base?"
"Yep," Ezra answered. "Might not look like much, but we're growing."
"It's amazing! How long has the Alliance been situated on Atollon?"
"About a year, now."
"Where was it before that?"
Ezra chuckled. "You're just full of questions, aren't you, Spiff?"
The boy blushed furiously. "That's what everyone says. Sorry."
Ezra laughed. "It's fine. I like feeling like I'm way older than you, rather than younger."
"Really? Then I'll shut up."
Ezra laughed again and shook his head. He had a feeling he and Spiff were going to become good friends.
After transmitting the security codes and being allowed to land, Ezra steered the ship to the platform and put it down. A slow smile spread on his face when he saw that by the platform the whole Ghost crew stood waiting with Sato for them to exit the ship.
He didn't hesitate. Standing up and telling Spiff to follow, he moved quickly to the back.
Ezra didn't wait for the four other cadets and Commander Clarris, but opened the ramp and walking down quickly.
He only had time to smile at the group before Sabine crushed him in a hug. "I missed you," she whispered, and he hugged her back. "I missed you, too."
After exchanging hugs and greetings with the others, he liked around, worriedly. "Where's Arene?"
Sabine looked troubled. "She should be here. After we landed an hour ago, she was in our room. I'll go check."
"Thanks, Sabine."
Kanan stepped forward, and put his hand on Ezra's shoulder. "You were right both times about the girl. She's more self-assured now that she's had to stand without you, but she's not ready to know."
Ezra nodded, understanding what his master meant. "Under the surface, she's got a lot of anger, a lot of pain. She needs to deal with that first."
Just then, Sabine came running around the corner.
Ezra stepped forward. "Sabine? Is something wrong?"
She stopped in front of him, thrusting a datapad into his hands. "Arene's gone, and she left this note!"
Ezra quickly looked at the datapad.
It said;

"I'm leaving to find out if it is possible for me to learn the ways of the Force. The Empire must pay for what they've done. I will see you all again soon.
Thank you for everything. Tell Kanan I'm sorry, but I can't agree with him.

Ezra looked up at the group that had gathered around him with a dazed expression. " gone."

For everything you gain, you lose something else.
~Jedi Proverb

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