Twenty-Eight: Beginning To Change

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Meet my adorable Lothcat, Bucky!!!
I was gonna name him something Star Wars-ey, but he doesn't look like a Jabba, which is like the only name that could really, Bucky suits him, I think!!!
Sorry, the chapter.

Plagueis was sitting in Bridger's room, trying to meditate. Should be an easy task, but when someone is speaking in the back of your mind the entire time, it's a little difficult to focus.
Your feels dark somehow. Cold.
Plagueis barely suppressed the urge to growl. That is because I receive my powers from the Dark Side, not your puny light.
Well, the Dark Side isn't stronger, you know.
Anger built inside of him. The darkness gives us a strength you Jedi can never hope to achieve.
Is that so? Well you should tell that to my master. It wasn't until he controlled his fear and released his anger that he was able to defeat the Grand Inquisitor.
Our anger gives us strength.
Yeah, well, just not enough strength.
That was enough. Plagueis' eyes slammed open, and he reached forward with the Force, pulling open the hidden compartment under the bottom bunk that held his lightsaber. It flew into the palm of his hand.
Umm, you do realize I'm inside your head, right?
Plagueis' shoulders slumped in defeat. Aloud, he said, "Can you be quiet and let me focus? I need to find my strength in your weak body!"
Hey! My body is far from weak! Just ask Sabine!
Plagueis rolled his eyes at the foolish joke. I'll do more than just ask her, you fool! I'll hurt her!
Alright, just calm down. Bridger sounded as if he were trying to pacify an unruly child. I'll be quiet, but Kanan needs me for practice in seven minutes, so hurry up!
Plaguies groaned in frustration. Were you trying to keep me from focusing? Never mind, don't answer that, just SHUT UP!
He put the saber back into its place and kneeled on the cold floor, back to the door. He tried to meditate, to connect with the Force, but he couldn't. Harmony eluded him. He shook his head and tried again, but all he could think about was the boy's words. He finally gave up. Did you say your master killed the Grand Inquisitor?
He could almost feel Bridger smirk. I thought you wanted me to shut up.
I did. Now answer me.
Amusement fairly rolled off the boy. Yeah, he did. And that was after he'd been tortured for days!
Plagueis shook his head in puzzlement. How is that possible?
After a short pause, Bridger answered. The Force.
But...the Inquisitors are trained to use all their anger, all their hatred, and by Vader himself.
There was no amusement in Bridger's voice. I've learned that path only leads to suffering. The way of the Jedi is a painless path, because we do not rely on our passions for strength.
That is a foolish notion. My passions give me strength, and through strength I gain power. Power enough to defeat myself, and power enough to defeat others.
Sure. Like your apprentice, the Emperor, when he killed you?
Plagueis frowned in anger.
Sidious killed me in my sleep.
Still, your anger didn't save you then, so...
Suddenly, Plagueis didn't like the direction the conversation was going. Let us put aside this foolish talk.
He returned Bridger to his body, and resumed his place in the back of the boy's mind. Your master awaits.
Sabine came into Ezra's room, and looks into his face inquisitively. His eyes seemed almost glassed over, and he didn't seem to hear her enter. She frowned, looking closer. They also looked...yellow!
She gasped, and stepped back, heart in her throat, but he still didn't notice her. She moved forward again, and waved her hand in front of his eyes. He blinked slowly, but that was his only response. She looked into his eyes again.
She must have been overreacting before, because her Ezra's eyes were the same deep blue as always. She sighed in relief, and took him by the shoulders, shaking him roughly.
Immediately, he shook his head and looked at her. "Woah, Sabine! What's going on?"
Sabine rolled her eyes. "I could ask you the same. You just staring at the wall, and you didn't even see me!"
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, Sabine. I guess I was lost in thought."
"Makes sense, seeing how unfamiliar that territory is to you."
Ezra pretended to be offended. "Are you saying I never think?"
He seemed to start the say something, then reconsidered. "Well, since I met you...yeah, you're right."
Sabine playfully punched him in the arm, and he grunted in pain.
"I need to get to practice with Kanan," he said while rubbing his sore arm. Sabine nodded. "I'll see you later." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled, and gave her a quick hug. "I love you, 'Bine."
Sabine's eyes widened. "What did you call me?"
Her voice was barely a whisper.
Ezra immediately turned red. "I-I'm sorry, Sabine. It just slipped out."
Anger filled her. "No one calls me 'Bine. No one has since--" She stopped quickly, turning away to hide the pain on her face.
"Since your mother? I know. I'm sorry."
She looked at his understanding face, and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Ezra."
He smiled back, and left for his training. She watched him leave, and smiled after him. "Thank you for everything."

The best swords are kept in their sheaths.
~Culoph, Tythonese Sky Judge

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