Thirty-Five: Leaving

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The whole crew was gone, Hera, Ezra, Chopper and Zeb on that mission for the senator, and Kanan on that supply run. This would be Arene's only chance.
She quietly slipped out of her cabin at the base, backpack of personal items already on her shoulders, lightsaber at her belt for the first time, and made her way to the hangar bay. She hated to steal a ship, but she saw no other way.
Hera had been giving her lessons lately, and, though she wasn't the best pilot, she could fly.
Arene stopped just outside, sensing the guard a few feet away. Ever since the trouble with that imperial droid, the Rebels had tightened around-the-clock security.
Arene moved her hand slightly, causing some small stones a few yards away to scatter, and the guard fell for it. When she saw Ezra again, she'd have to talk to him about having the guards briefed on the Force and distractions. She slipped inside the hanger.
Making her way slowly to the closest ship, she stuck to the shadows. It was an X-Wing. Not the easiest thing to fly, but manageable. She moved towards it, but something grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth and pulling her back into the shadows. She let out a small cry, but it was muffled almost completely. The guard didn't even notice.
"Shh," a voice in her ear whispered. "The guard was about to see you."
The hand over Arene's mouth slowly eased away, and her breathing calmed. She turned to look at the person. It was one of the cadets Ezra had recruited right before she'd left the first time.
"You're Stiff, right?"
"Uh, Spiff, actually. You're Arene, right?"
She nodded, and he looked down, then suddenly realized his arms were still around her waist and pulled them back abruptly. "Sorry."
Arene didn't make any small talk before asking the question on her mind. "Why did you help me?"
Spiff shrugged. "You looked like you didn't want to be seen, and when you almost were, well...I guess I just thought it would be better if you weren't."
"Thank you."
She turned away, casting a glance at the guard, who had resumed his post but was facing away, before moving towards the X-Wing again. Spiff followed. "Where are you going?" he whispered.
She gestured to the ship. "The X-Wing."
She ducked down beside it, and Spiff did the same, just before the guard glanced back into the hangar. "Are you stealing it?" Excitement and suspicion shone on the human's face, and Arene rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately, yes."
"Why?" he breathed, eyes comically large.
"Because I have been an Imperial spy this whole time."
His eyes widened even more, and he reached for the blaster at his hip. "Really?"
"No, you idiot! I am just leaving."
He frowned, relaxing his hold on the gun. "But why—"
"Did you know you ask a lot of questions?"
Spiff face turned red, and he looked down, mumbling a small "sorry."
Arene shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I just need to be quick and get out if here."
Spiff looked back up at her, a hard edge to his face. "I'm not going to let you leave until you tell me where you're going."
Arene huffed. She didn't have time for this.
"I have stayed too long. I cannot just sit here, doing nothing, while others die. I am useless here. I need to be of help, to my people."
"Then where are you going?"
Arene sighed. "First, Ryloth. Then..." She looked away, a sad smile stealing onto her face. "Wherever the Force wills me."
Spiff gestured to her side. "So that is a lightsaber, huh?"
Arene grasped it with her hand, as if to protect it. "Yes."
He nodded slowly, then smiled widely at her. "Okay, you can go."
She sighed in relief that she wouldn't have to knock the kid out, but then he continued. "If--" she groaned quietly. Never mind. "I go with you."
Arene stared at him. Was he stupid?
"My journey will not be easy, Spiff, and I will probably die, maybe right away."
Spiff nodded, still smiling.
Arene took a step backwards into the light in anger, and Spiff quickly pulled her back into the dark. She ignored his hand lingering on her arm. "No! I'm not taking you with me!"
Spiff shrugged, then took a comm from his belt and started fiddling with it. "Well then, I'm sure Sato will be very happy I stopped someone from stealing one of our ships..."
Arene glanced at the guard, who was still facing away.
"Blackmail?" she hissed. "Are you serious?"
"Mm-hmm." Now he was studying his fingernails.
The guard glanced back, a slight frown on his face. He must've heard something. He reached for the flashlight at his belt, and Arene's eyes widened. "Just please...don't make me hurt you!"
Spiff looked up at her, false reproach in his eyes. "Blackmail? Are you serious?" he mimicked, and Arene grunted in frustration, using the Force to move a few pebbles again. The guard turned back around, flicking the flashlight on and moving into the darkness.
"Fine! You can come! But do not be surprised if I drop you off on some deserted planet."
Spiff smirked. "Deal."
He slowly climbed the ladder on the ship, and the hatch opened with a slight hiss. He hooked a thumb toward the rear seat before slipping into the ship. "Get in here. I'll fly."
Arene shook her head slightly, before climbing up and into the X-Wing. The hatch closed, and she closed her eyes. "I feel like I'm going to regret this."
From the pilot seat, Spiff chuckled and started flipping switches. The ship started up, and the guard immediately turned back and started yelling into his commlink.
"He's too late," laughed Spiff, and the ship lifted from the ground and flew quickly over his head and towards the sky.
The comm crackled to life a second later. "X-Wing 187, you have no orders for flight. Return to base immediately."
Arene found herself smile slightly, and Spiff laughed again. "As if."
They accelerated quickly, and soon the demands over the comm ceased. They weren't in range anymore.
"Do not slow down," Arene said quickly as they exited the atmosphere. "They will be sending ships after us. And there is no tracker on this thing, right?"
"No tracker. It would be too easy if the Empire got ahold of one of the IDs and followed it home."
After a slight pause, Spiff spoke again, voice almost electric with excitement. "Prepare for hyperspace jump."
A second later, two ships appeared in Arene's view, but then disappeared along with everything else as the X-Wing jumped to light speed.

Sometimes all that's required is the will to jump.
~Anakin Skywalker

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