Twenty-One: A Fallen Enemy

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Ezra frowned in confusion. "What's...the 'Jedi Trials'?
"The Jedi Trials are a set of tests given to Jedi padawans as a means of earning their knighthood," Kanan answered. "There are five trials; the Trial of Skill, the Trial of Courage, The Trial of the Flesh, the Trial of Spirit, and finally, the Trial of Insight."
Ezra's eyes widened. "You're not saying..."
Kanan smiled slightly, and opened his mouth. However, he was interrupted by a voice coming over the intercom. "Ghost crew to Command Centre for Priority Message. Ghost crew to Command Centre for Priority Message."
Kanan shrugged apologetically, and they started walking towards the CC. "The message must be Fulcrum," Ezra said. "That's the only reason they'd call us."
Kanan nodded just as they approached the table, where all but Sabine were waiting with Sato and an officer.
"What's this?" Ezra looked around, and noticed the others all looked as confused as he felt. Except for Zeb, who looked a bit guilty.
A few seconds later, Sabine came running around the corner, wearing a casual outfit of a black shirt and a pair of paint-splattered pants. Even then, Ezra thought she looked beautiful.
"What'd I miss?" She asked, panting.
Sato looked over at her and shook his head. "Nothing, but thank you all for coming promptly."
Zeb fidgeted slightly, and Ezra cocked a brow at him. The Lasat didn't really seem to notice.
Commander Sato touched a button on the side panel of the holo projector, and a section of Atollon came up on the screen. He pointed to a small ship in the corner of the picture. "We sent a team to this location, because one of the sensors had gone offline. They should have returned hours ago, but they haven't even reported by com."
He looked around the group. "I'm sending you out to investigate. Good luck."
He turned away then, and started to confer with the officer at his side. Ezra turned to the others, where Zeb was looking worried. "It's probably another one of those Imperial droids." He scratched his head. "Though Kallus didn't say anything about them sending more than one to the planets."
Kanan nodded. "That's probably what it is. Let's get going."
Hera shook her head. "You guys go. I'm gonna stay here, get some work done."
Kanan nodded, and they set off.
When they got to the position, the place looked deserted. The ship sat there, seemingly abandoned, and everything seemed suspicious to Sabine. Her forehead scrunched, and out of habit, she looked to Ezra, who looked as worried as she felt. "Something's wrong," he said, and Kanan nodded.
Zeb frowned. "I have feeling that if it was one of them droids, we'd find our men."
"I have to agree," Sabine answered. "Whatever wasn't an Imperial droid."
Just then, a figure stepped out from behind the ship with a wicked smile on her face. Sabine heard Ezra gasp, and all she could do was stare.
Ezra stepped forward, a confused look on his face. "Arene?"
The Sith watched as the padawan stepped forward to greet his friend.
Oh, this would be easier than he anticipated.
He hadn't actually seen the boy before, other than the stolen memories of the Twi'lek, but he could sense that much lay under the surface of the seemingly calm exterior. The child struggled with anger...hatred. Maybe he would make a good new apprentice.
He would kill the boy's master first, then the girl and the Lasat. Ezra's anger should then take over, and he may decide to become his apprentice. He would be quite useful to the Sith Lord when he killed his apprentice, seeing as the traitor had taken on an apprentice of his own. And they both must fall.
Ezra stepped forward, confusion clouding his mind. "Arene? were dead! I could feel it!"
Arene shook her head, amusement clear in her features. "You do not understand." Her face was scratchy, and it didn't sound like her own.
Ezra frowned. "What are you talking about?"
She chuckled softly. "She wanted revenge, she let me in!"
Kanan stepped forward, putting a hand in front of Ezra on a protecting manner. "Ezra..."
Arene laughed again, this time louder than before. "You cannot stop me, and you cannot protect your friends, Jedi."
Ezra backed away, and Kanan moved as well. "Arene, what are you talking about? Are you okay?"
She stepped forward, and Ezra could see the yellow glint in her eyes. "I thought you would be more intelligent, boy. Arene is dead. She invited me in, and I am finally free from the bonds of death." She moved forward another step. "And now that I am free, you will suffer, and my enemies will taste my revenge!"
Ezra couldn't help it. He was terrified. "Who are you?"
A delighted grin appeared on what was once Arene's face. "I'm so glad you asked. I am Darth Plagueis."

When destiny calls, the chosen have no choice.
~Jedi Proverb

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