Six: Thank You

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Later that day, Ezra sat in his gunner turret. Well, more like Sabine's turret, but it'd basically become his. This was where he went when he needed to think. He could almost always count on being alone there.

Things had changed so much in such a short time, and he felt out of place.
The rebels knew what they had to do, but other than trying to find a desert planet with two suns, there wasn't much that was going on. It was frustrating.

Maul had seemed to know so much more than Ezra. Ezra was haunted by the red blade's words. "Of course. A desert planet with two suns! Where it all began!"

Then there was the Twi'lek girl, Arene. Ezra didn't know what they were going to do with her, and he was pretty sure the others didn't either. She was around his age, and he didn't think she would be unable to survive on her own, but that was completely out of the question. They weren't just going to dump her somewhere to fend for herself.

Sure, her parents had been rebel sympathizers, but they hadn't ever really had much information, or important information, that is. They usually found things out after the Alliance had already discovered it.

Earlier, in the cockpit when Kanan commed in about Arene, Ezra had heard the disbelief in Sato's voice. To think the Talkana family had a daughter the entire time, well, it revealed why the couple had never wanted to jump right into the fight against the Empire. They were thinking of their daughter.

In a lot of ways, Iress and Morass had been like Ezra's own parents. Trying to get word out about the Empire's tyranny and cruelty. Yet the way they tried to separate and distance themselves from the Rebellion for Arene was different.

Ezra's parents had decided to pursue their radio broadcasts wholeheartedly, and be an example of the good in people to their son, even if it meant that Ezra's life would be full of hardship.

And they succeeded, Ezra realized with a smile. He had learned to care about others more than just himself. And he was able to help people now.

Ezra was interrupted from his bittersweet musings by the entry of Arene. She just stood there right behind him, staring at the blue streaks of hyperspace.

After a few minutes of nothing, he turned his chair and broke the silence. "Arene?"

She turned to him with a slight smile. "I'm sorry, I was...lost in thought." Her accent was thickened with emotion.

Ezra smiled slightly in sympathy. "I know the feeling. My parents were...captured by the Empire when I was seven. Found out they died a little while ago."

Her face filled with sympathy and pain for him. "I'm so sorry! It must have been very hard for you, not knowing."

Ezra stayed quiet a moment before replying in a hushed whisper. "It was."
She must have heard the pain in his voice, because she spoke in a lighter note. "But at least you had your friends. They must've been a great comfort."

Ezra smiled slightly. "Actually, I was on my own till three years ago. They kinda...recruited me."


She looked down, and he could feel the worry and pain in her through the Force. He stood, reaching out and putting his hand on her shoulder. "We're gonna take care of you. Don't worry."

She looked up at him and gave him a shy smile.

"Sabine told me that you saved my life."

Ezra looked down and scratched the back of his neck. " was nothing."

"If I had known, I would have already thanked you."

"No, no, you don't have to thank me, I'd have done it for anyone."

"Still, I want to."

She stepped towards him and stood on her tiptoes. Then she kissed him.

"Do, or do not. There is no try."
~Grand Master Yoda

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