Ten: Ultimatum

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If Sabine saw Arene touch Ezra again, she swore she was going to kill that Twi'lek scum. All day, it had been small gestures, a little shove, a hand on his shoulder, touching his arm to get him to look at her. Ezra probably didn't even notice.

But Sabine did. Oh, she noticed and seethed every single time the girl even looked at him.

Arene laughed as if the joke was the funniest she'd ever heard, and swatted his arm. "You are very hilarious, Ezra Bridger."

Sabine clenched her fists under the Dejarik table while Ezra laughed slightly, and scratched the back of his neck.

"I know. Always have been."

Sabine rolled her eyes. Arene laughed again. This was too much. Sabine stood abruptly.

"Ezra, can I talk to you in my turret?" Then, with a glance at the surprised Twi'lek, "Alone?"

Ezra looked confused, but easily kept up his cocky attitude. "You can talk to me anytime. Not that you don't, anyway. Sometimes I wonder if you love me."

Sabine knew it was a joke, but her body froze anyway. "Sabine?" Ezra's tone was instantly concerned. "Are you alright?"

She forced a nod before making her feet, which had suddenly turned to lead somehow, move towards the turret, silently berating herself for her foolishness. This conversation might have actually been a really bad idea.


Ezra didn't know what was wrong with Sabine, but her asking to talk to him seemed the perfect opportunity to find out. Even though it was obvious she was trying to hide it, anxiety fairly seeped from her every pore.

He could also sense her regret. Did she regret asking to talk to him?

In the room, Sabine slowly turned to look at him, something unexplainable on her face. Ezra leaned against the door jam, waiting for her to speak.

After a while of her just biting her lip and avoiding his eyes, she finally did.
"You realize she's flirting with you, right?" Sabine's voice was sharp, angry.

Ezra was shocked. Flirting? What was she talking about?

He voiced that thought.

"What in the galaxy are you talking about?"

She looked at him, incredulous. "Are you serious? 'What am I talking about?'
I'm talking about that girl you rescued who can't stop staring at you!"

Okay, Sabine was angry. Why, Ezra had no idea. But, whatever the reason was, he needed to calm her down. Fast, it seemed, if he wanted to live.

He held up his hands. "Okay, okay. You're the girl expert here, not me." He crossed his arms. "But really. Arene just lost her parents. She wouldn't be flirting with anyone, let alone me. I mean, other than you, who flirts with me?" His joke didn't seem to ease the tension in the air. In fact, Sabine seemed to scowl even more, if that was possible. "Are you taking anything I'm saying seriously?"

Ezra sighed, and stepped forward, putting his hands on her shoulders. Strangely, she seemed to tremble slightly under his touch.

"Sabine, if you think she's flirting with me, I'll except that. But I mean, it's not like I share her...her..."

Sabine cut him off. "The way you react, she doesn't know that! You gotta brush off her attempts instead of--instead of welcoming them!"

Ezra felt at sea. "Why do you even care?"

After a moment of silence, Sabine's shoulders slumped and stepped back, making his hands fall to his sides. She looked down, and but her lip. "I...I just..." She sighed and looked back up, something in her changed. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

That wasn't all of it. Ezra could tell there was more reasons for her concern, but he decided to let it go. "Alright. Thank you, but I'll be careful. I mean, I am Ezra Bridger. I can handle anything!"

He grinned cockily, and she shook her head, a slight smile on her lips. "Not everything, kid. I swear you couldn't handle love."

Ezra's eyebrows lifted involuntarily, but he pretended not to take her literally. He spread his arms, gesturing to her. "And what, you can? I bet you've fallen head over heels for me, and you're dying of a broken heart because you know I'm too good for you."

Sabine tried to conceal it, but Ezra saw her wince. Strange. He mentally shrugged. Girls were strange, it was as plain as that.


Sabine felt like hitting herself. Ezra was training to he a Jedi. He could definitely sense her conflict.

She felt as if every time she opened her mouth, she gave herself away a little bit more. She cursed internally.

Ezra chuckled slightly at his own joke, but then grew serious. Uh oh.

"Sabine, I..."

Sabine held her breath, worry and hope warring against each other in her heart.

"Look. I can tell something's up. You better spill, 'cause I'm not leaving until you tell me what it is." To demonstrate, the idiot pressed the button to shut the door, and the panels slid shut almost noiselessly behind him. He leaned against the doorway again.

"I'm fine! Really, I don't know what you're talking about."

Ezra raised his eyebrows, completely disbelieving.

Sabine huffed and rolled her eyes. Ezra just smirked.

After a few minutes of silence, she finally sat down in the gunner seat. Oh no, if he thought she was going to tell him anything, he had another thing coming.

The time stretched on, but it seemed like Ezra didn't even notice. He just stood there, one eyebrow slightly quirked, his shoulder leaning against the doorframe.

Sabine rolled her eyes again, and began to think.

If she ever wanted to get out of that room, she had to figure out a lie convincing enough that he would buy it. Which might take a while.


Ezra knew that look. Sabine was planning something. He sighed, knowing that he couldn't force her to tell him. When she was going to talk, she'd talk. Not before that.

Ezra stood up straight, and pressed the button, activating the door. Sabine looked up in surprise, and he gave her a small smile. "When you're ready, you know I'm here for you, right?"

For some reason, he desperately needed her to know that.
She nodded and gave him a small smile. "I do."

Truth enlightens the mind, but doesn't always bring happiness to your heart.
~Jedi Proverb

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