Sixteen: Matters of the Heart

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Placed Directly After Ghosts of Geonosis

Saw went into the cargo hold and Ezra looked down, a frown on his face. "You're welcome."
Kanan sighed. "Ezra, you're gonna find not all of our allies share the same values, or even fight the Empire for the same reason we do."
"I've also got my issues with Saw, Ezra," Hera joined in. "But in the end, he proved he's not the Empire. And for now, that will have to do."
Ezra nodded slightly, a small smile on his face, and stood up, making his way to Sabine's cabin.
The panel door slid open, and he leaned against the doorway. She glanced up at him from where she was sitting on her bunk, repainting her armour. "That sand just ruined my paint job!"
Ezra chuckled slightly and walked inside, sitting down beside her and taking her helmet in his hands. "Those were some pretty cool moves out there. You gonna teach me some of them?"
Sabine chuckled and elbowed him. "In your dreams!"
Ezra smirked. "Why not? I mean, I learn a lot from dreams." His smile faded, and he looked down at his reflection in the faceplate of the helmet, a worried frown on his face. He hadn't had a chance to tell Kanan about his vision, and every night since, he'd dreamed a part from it. Each night different than the last.
"Ezra? Is something wrong?"
He glanced at her. "No, sorry. I was just...uh, well, lost in thought."
"You've been saying that a lot lately. Seriously, Ezra. Is it Arene?"
Ezra looked down again. The Twi'lek girl had been on his mind a lot. The search teams Sato had sent out had come back empty handed, but Ezra could feel that she was safe.
He shook his head. "I think she's okay."
Sabine looked worried. "Then what is it?"
When he didn't answer, she touched his arm, and added, "You know you can talk to me."
Ezra looked up at her, then at her hand on his arm. Instead of what he was really worried about, a question came out of his mouth. "Why have you seemed so worried about me lately?"
Sabine looked surprised, then squeamish. "What do you mean?"
Ezra cocked a brow, and felt himself smile slightly. "You kissed me."
"On the cheek!" She protested loudly, and Ezra chuckled. "True, but it was still a kiss."
She turned away, and Ezra grinned. "You know you can talk to me," he mimicked, and she turned back, swatting his arm before standing up. "That's it. I'm leaving."
"But...this is your room."
She rolled her eyes and grabbed her paints. "I'm going to your room. To paint you in embarrassing positions all over your walls!"
His eyes widened comically, and he rushed to the door, blocking her playfully. "As much as you like the idea of painting me," Sabine snorted. "You're avoiding my question."
She looked at him, incredulous. "You avoided mine, first!"
"Maybe, but I'm allowed to do that, 'cause I'm a Jedi."
Zeb walked by, and shoved Ezra through the door, making him bump into Sabine. "Just because you're a Jedi doesn't mean that you can do anything you want. For example, Hera needs you to help Chopper fix the dents from the rocks as soon as we land." He smirked. "Good luck."
Zeb walked away laughing, and Sabine pushed Ezra away, shaking her head. Then she sobered up. "Ezra, I know something happened during your last mission. Can't you just tell me?"
Ezra sighed and moved back to the bunk, sitting back down. "In the shuttle...I had a vision."
Sabine say down beside him. "Another one?"
"Yeah, but...but this one was different. I saw things like...pasts we could have had if..."
"If what?"
Ezra looked down. "If I was..." He paused, trying to force the words out, but afraid what she'd say. He sighed. "If it wasn't for the Empire."
Sabine placed her hand on his in a caring manner. "That has to have been hard. I'm sorry."
He nodded, closing his eyes. Had he made the right decision?
"It's okay, Ezra. You couldn't have changed it if you wanted to."
Ezra pulled in a quick burst of air.
This was his fault. He could have given all of them the chance at a happy life. He could have given her an amazing life with her mom. A peaceful life. But for some reason, he'd chosen the painful path they walked now. What had possessed him to refuse Luminara's offer?
Ezra turned to Sabine.
"If you had the chance to have everything as it would have been without the Empire, would you take it?"
She didn't hesitate. "Absolutely."
He looked back down. "Even if that meant that you'd never meet any of us?"
That gave her pause.
"I...I don't know..."
She looked down, then closed her eyes, as if she was reliving every moment of her life, and Ezra could sense the turmoil inside her.
She looked up, locking eyes with him, and he could see something...different on her face.
"Never," she murmured, and felt like he couldn't look away from the intensity of her eyes. Almost as one, they leaned closer, until their lips touched.
Sabine gasped.
Ezra wrapped his arms around her, and she did the same, pulling him closer.
Then it was over, and they both pulled back and looked at each other in shock. Ezra scratched the back of his neck, looking at Sabine apologetically. "Uhh, sorry about that. I don't know why I did that..."
Sabine frowned at him. "Why are you apologizing?"
Ezra was surprised. "Well, for just...kissing you, completely out if the blue?"
She rolled her eyes at him. "I kissed you back for a reason, you idiot!"
Ezra was completely shocked now. "Wait...what?"
Boys. They never understand anything. Probably never will, either.
Sabine rolled her eyes, and grabbed Ezra's head, pulling him in for another kiss.
When they finally broke apart, Sabine cocked a brow at him. "Do you understand now?"
He just nodded, and they grinned at each other, until Sabine broke the silence.
"What now?"

Always in motion, is the future, and many possible futures there are.
~Grand Master Yoda

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