Thirty: Training Beguns

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Arene slipped back to base, heart hammering in her chest. I have a purple lightsaber, kept running through her head over and over. Then came reality. What if Kanan or Ezra found out?
Once in the room she'd been assigned, she frantically pulled her drawer open, shoving the newly constructed lightsaber amid the many articles of clothing folded there. After making sure it was completely covered, Arene slumped down on her bunk, heart still pounding faster than light speed. She buried her face in her hands. "What have I done?"
She abruptly stood up and began pacing. Then she stopped, placing her hands up to stifle a scream. "I have a lightsaber," she whispered to the empty room. Then she shook her head again.
"I have a lightsaber. This is horrid, I'm going to die."
"Now I can--no, I can't do anything!"
"I should keep practicing, anyway. Right? Or would that be a bad idea?"
Finally, she just fell back down on her bunk, calling herself every name in the book. It was a stupiod idea, because now that she had the power to help others, how could she restrain herself? She closed her eyes, remembering the fact that Ezra had saved her. How could she not pay it forward, help others who would be--will be--dead without someone saving them.
Then she opened her eyes. "I--I can't stop the Empire, but I can stop them from hurting people."
Late that night, Arene returned to the clearing where Ezra had freed her, lightsaber in hand. She could remember the things Plagueis had taught her, and she practiced them.
"One, two, three, four, stop. Back to ready position." Then she decided to switch it up. "Ready, three, one, two, four, eight."
It was easier than she'd anticipated, moving into forms as if she'd known them her whole life. It was as if her body knew what her mind did not. She began again.
By the end of the night, she would re-learn all Plagueis had taught her body.
Plagueis watched Talkana move into the different forms, clumsy at first, but smoother over time. Her lightsaber, a dark violet, swung easily in her hand.
When he'd first sensed the disturbance, he'd immediately blocked Bridger from seeing. He didn't know why he felt the urge to do so, but it seemed the only thing to do. He shrugged it off, and walked into the small clearing behind her, igniting his blade and moving forward. She spun, meeting it with her own. He studied her face calmly.
"A lightsaber?"
She winced slightly. "What are you doing here?"
Plagueis shrugged slightly, and stepped back, shutting off his crimson saber with a hiss. "This is where I trained before, so why shouldn't I return?"
She stood there, a few feet from him, her purple saber still humming and hatred in her eyes. "You stole Ezra's body."
Plagueis chuckled, shaking his head. "Quite the reverse, my dear." Her eyes narrowed at the title. "A mutual agreement was made between me and Bridger, and I intend to keep my end of the bargain."
"As you did with me?"
Plagueis lifted a dark brow. "If I recall correctly, you never said I couldn't kill your friends."
She looked at him as if he were insane. "It was a given! You would help me get revenge on the people who killed my parents, not take away my new family!"
Plagueis lifted his hand, studying his nails. "You never said that."
He was baiting her. He knew it, and she knew it. The question was, would she take the bait?
She frowned fiercely at him. "I know what you are doing, but I--I will not use my gift wrongly."
He nodded. "Even so, let me teach you." Why was he saying this? "I will show you the forms, teach you how to perform them easily, but I will not share my ideals with you."
Talkana frowned. "You must take me as a fool. I will not fall for your tricks again."
Plagueis shook his head. "I don't know why I am saying this, but I mean it. I will show you how to wield that blade."
Arene had always been able to feel if someone's intentions were pure or not. Now she knew it had to do with the Force and the countless midichlorians in her bloodstream. For some reason, Plagueis meant what he said. She felt a smile start to cover her face, and she shut of her lightsaber. "Ezra has been getting to you."
Plagueis immediately bristled. "What? No, I just..."
Arene laughed. "Yes, he is."
Plagueis frowned. "I'll retract my offer."
Arene shook her head, still smiling. "No, no, I will be quiet now."
Plagueis nodded, and settled into ready position, reigniting his red saber. "Offence."
Arene took in a deep breath, then nodded, moving forward with her saber behind her. With both hands, she swung it forwards.
Plagueis blocked easily, sending her tumbling back. "Your worries and cares are distracting you. Focus on me."
Arene stood up, dusted herself off, and moved towards him again. She spun the saber in a circular motion, and Plagueis was forced to step back to block it. He nodded at her. "Better. But remember, keep your eyes on my face as well as the rest of me. The smallest shift of an eye can prelude an attack."
Arene's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"
He raised an eyebrow. "When was the last time I jested?"
Arene shook her head and groaned, but he ignored her.

Who we are never changes, who we think we are does.
~Jedi Proverb

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