Thirty-One: An Inside Conversation

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"What is the matter with you, Ezra?"
Ezra shook his head, and raised a hand to rub his face. "I have no idea. I don't think I'm sick, I'm just really tired, and my head hurts like kriff." He closed his eyes.
Kanan frowned. "I don't care how much you hurt, anywhere, if I hear you swear, I will deal with you. Or worse."
Ezra cocked a brow, then winced at the pain it caused him. "Worse?"
A hint if a smile played it's way around Kanan's mouth. "I'll tell Hera."
Ezra rolled his eyes, chuckling a little, and nodded. "Yes, Master." He ignited his lightsaber again, but Kanan waved him off. "No, you're too tired today. You might get hurt. Go lay down for a bit, and we'll finish the lesson later."
Ezra was quick to agree, fatigue overtaking him, and he made his way to his cabin and lied down without any argument.
He couldn't understand where this tiredness was coming from. He was sleeping well at night, and he didn't feel ill, but something was wrong. This is annoying.
If he could, Ezra could tell Plagueis would've snorted. This is life, boy. Unpredictable, unwanted problems arise, and you must deal with them as they come.
Ezra shrugged mentally. Whatever you say, Grandpa.
Plagueis' annoyance seeped into Ezra's mind. I really wish I had stayed in Talkana. She was not near this...trying.
This was seriously starting to be a problem. Can you stop saying that? It's really getting on my nerves!
Plagueis oozed of nonchalance. How so?
Ezra frowned and shut his eyes. I did what I had to, to help a friend. I really don't want to be regretting it.
You did not answer my question. Why does it annoy you so?
Because--Because it's continuous! You don't stop mentioning Arene, and it makes me angry.
Plagueis stayed silent, as if he were contemplating this, and Ezra sighed, pressing his palms into his eyes.
You have feelings for her.
Ezra's eyes shot open, and he immediately regretted it, seeing as his hands still pressed into them. He quickly pulled them away, then back as he rubbed them.
Plagueis! You of all people should know I don't feel for her that way! You practically search my brain as amusement in your spare time!
Indignation flashed through the Sith. I don't--
Yes you do. I could feel it yesterday.
Well, never mind that. I suppose you are right. You only have feelings for the young Mandalorian girl.
Plagueis. Ezra's tone was warning.
Well, life back here is terribly boring!
Ezra smiled slightly. Even Sith Lords felt boredom, it seemed. Then sleep. Better yet, meditate.
Plagueis seed to snort, even though he couldn't make the sound physically. Meditation takes up most of my time as it is, you lackwit. And sleep is foolish when you don't have a body to rest.
You can rest your mind, too.
Would you just be silent and fall asleep now? My head aches.
Uh, technically it's my head, that hurts.
You are an awful person.
At least I'm not you, Plagueis.
I'm putting you to sleep now.
Ezra was suddenly asleep.

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