Three: Mission Talkana

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"Kanan!" Sabine yelled while shaking Ezra's prostate form. He had stopped shaking and moaning, but now he wouldn't wake up.

Kanan burst through the door. "What is it?"

"It's Ezra!" Sabine answered, aware of his inability to see. "I think he had a vision, but now he won't wake up!"

Kanan knelt down, placing his hand on Ezra's forehead just as Hera's voice came over the com.

"Getting ready to exit hyperspace. Brace yourselves!"

The ship jerked into real space as Sabine looked at Kanan worriedly. He sat there a moment more before removing his hand. "I don't know what happened, but he's not waking up anytime soon. We'll have to leave him on the ship."

Sabine looked down at him for a few more seconds before helping Kanan lift him onto his bed. It was no easy task, seeing as Ezra was getting bigger now, and his bunk was on the top, but they eventually did it. "Where's...Zeb...when we...need him?" Sabine huffed as Kanan finally pushed Ezra's heavy body onto the bunk.

Kanan smiled, and answered. "Right outside the door now."

The panels slid open and Zeb walked in. He noticed them standing there, and scratched his head. "What are you two doing in here? And where's the kid?"

He glanced up at the bunk then, and noticed him there. "Sleeping? Really?"

"No, Zeb. Ezra's...not okay right now," Sabine replied. "I think he had a vision."

Kanan looked at her again. "Did he say anything before blacking out?"

"Yeah," she answered. "Something like, 'Irene'?"
Kanan tensed. "Was it Iress?"

Sabine shook her head. "No, not Iress. I'm sure. He yelled it out."

Kanan relaxed slightly. "All right. Well, we'll have to figure it out later. We have a mission to prepare for. The sooner we get Iress and Morass outta there, the better."

"Roger that!" Sabine sprinted out into the hall in an effort to conceal her worry for Ezra. She felt terrified for him, but didn't exactly want to know why.

She quickly pushed those thoughts away as she entered her cabin and began putting on her armour.

She glanced around. "Zeb? Have you seen more detonators? I'm almost out over here!"

"They're in the hold!" he yelled back, and Sabine took off in that direction. "Hope we won't need Ezra on this one."
The feeling in the pit of her stomach, however, warned her otherwise.


Kanan slouched against the wall opposite the Talkana's house, watching the door and waiting for Sabine and Zeb to join him.

The house was eerily silent, but Kanan reasoned that when you're feeding information to a rebel cause, you try to keep a low profile. Which was why they weren't going to just open the door for a seemingly random guy leaning against their neighbour's house.

Soon enough, a burly Lasat walked by before slipping into a small alley between two buildings. Now just waiting for Sabine.

It'd been her plan to split up first. The Ghost crew's rebel activities had gone far from unnoticed, so they stood a better chance of being unrecognized if they weren't all together. Though Coruscant was hardly the first place the Empire would look, seeing it was the capital of the Imperial, well, Empire. At least, that was what Kanan would think. If he were trying to find some rebels, he would search the Outer Rim systems first.

A Mandalorian girl walked by, and he pretended to bump into her. The Lasat stepped out of hiding. "Kanan, let's get the people, get out."

Kanan nodded, not bothering to remind Zeb that that had been the plan from the start. "Quick and easy like."

Sabine drew her blasters from her holsters, Zeb lifted his bow-rifle, and Kanan pulled out his blaster before opening the door and stepping quickly inside.

And seeing Iress and Morass Talkana kneeling on the stone floor, with troopers behind them holding blasters to the Twi'leks' heads.

An officer stepped out of the next room, and Kanan swung his blaster towards the Imperial, only half aware of Zeb and Sabine doing the same.
The officer chuckled slightly. "If you shoot me, those troopers have orders to shoot your friends."

"Karabast," said Zeb. "It's a set up."

Our actions define our legacy.
~Jedi Proverb

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