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Okay all, if you're just reading this, its like five years later, and i'm goin' thru some of these chapters cuz its 2 am and fuck it. so here's a lil update for ya'll.

I got tagged by SWRgirl so here are ten things about me!!!

One: I will grow old and die before I get a good selfie of myself
Update: Lies, i got vv hot

Two: I'm 5'6"
Update: Lies, turns out i've been 5'7 this whole time

Three: I'm single and probably will be for life--not by choice, but...you get the picture
Update: Lies

Four: I have a horse named Molly, and she's the fattest thing you'll ever see.
Update: i now don't like horses

Five: I'm homeschooled *giant 'L' paints itself on my forehead*
Update: Still true, and now i'm terrified to go to uni

Six: I have a friend in Russia who sent me a video of him playing 'Happy Birthday' on electric guitar for me today 😻
Update: He started to like me and it got weird

Seven: I usually ace my subjects, which I find really weird seeing as I spend all my time on Star Wars 😱😱😱
Update: That's 'cause i cheated my way thru school—very easy to do when you're homeschooled—and now realize i retained nothing, other than most stuff to do with english, since, y'know, i used to really like writing

Eight: I am awful at every sport
Update: Even more true now

Nine: My best friend is the only person in the world who is weirder than me.
Update: we both turned out bi and spiritual, i'd call it a tie

Ten: I have a weird genetic disease called EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) that gives me hyper mobility, crappy joints, and awful pain all the time 😊
Update: i live off of booze and painkillers, it's very fun but my liver and i are no longer on speaking terms

So there you have it!!!
So now I tag:

P. S. Update tomorrow!!!!

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