Part 1

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Raizada mansion

A man is sleeping on a king size bed on his stomach when a lady enters in the room and wakes him up, giving his coffee to him.
"Wake up, Arnav ji. Your coffee is here." Yes! The lady is none other than Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada and man who was sleeping is none other than her husband Arnav Singh Raizada known as ASR.

Arnav: khushi! how many times i have to tell you that you don't need to do this, he
said sitting on bed and covering his bare chest with his shirt.
khushi: Arnav ji! and how many times I should tell you that i love to this all for my
husband. Arnav just shake his head, there is no use to tell her ahe'll never stop, so he just started having his coffee.
khushi: but Arnav ji! are you alright?
Arnav (frowning): why? what happen to me?
khushi: today you slept so long till i didn't wake you up and also missed your jogging?
Arnav: yeah! was just tired there was lot of work in office yesterday and night was also too long guess, khushi blushed hearing this
but Arnav remained unaffected and kept
drinking his coffee.

When khushi looked at him
her face fell in dissapointment, how easily
he said that without any emotions. this is not new for her , he always gives answers like that, its her fault she can't expect him
to be romantic, but still she hopes him to love her back and stops  taking her as his
responsibility only.

Khushi was still lost in
thoughts when Arnav finished his coffee and snapped his fingers in front of her .
Arnav: where are you lost?
khushi: giving him a wide smile" was just thinking how many things i have to do
today as jija ji is coming today" you know how much di is happy from the time she got to know jija ji is coming back!
Arnav: ya! i am sure and she must have arranged lots of puja's for him aready.
poor jija ji! khushi giggled hearing this.

Arnav: well now let me get ready for office, i am sure di already going to ask me come back early, saying this he was getting up
when khushi stops him.
khushi: rukiye (stop).
Arnav(startled): what?
khushi(shyly): wo... wo... Arnav arch his one eyebrow  asking her what happened?

Khushi(she turns her back to him getting up): you are not wearing anything, i have
arranged your clothes for office. Get ready and come down , i'll arrange breakfast for you, saying this she ran downstairs making
Arnav chuckle at his shy wife. She is still shy after almost 2 years of their marriage.

"Pagal" he muttered and got ready for office, he's already late today.

To be continued......

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