Part 31

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Khushi was crying herself,  trying to console Arnav but didn't stop him. She knew he is crying for all the pain and misery after his mother's death,  he will again go back to his confident avatar once he stop. So she let him cry knowing well that may be he would never express his pain again and it is necessary to let go of past  to move on.


Khushi: Arnav ji please stop crying.

"Arnav ji..."

"Arnav ji please control yourself..."

"Stop blaming yourself Arnav ji...."

"Arnav ji...."

"Aashu will wake up hearing our voices."

And it worked, he stopped and slowly looked around coming out of hug.

Arnav: I am sorry!  I.... He fumbled.

Khushi: "You don't need to be."
She wiped his tears away.

Arnav looked around embarrassed for crying like a kid and Khushi smiled understanding from his expressions.

Khushi: "You don't have to be embarrassed Arnav ji.
We should cry sometime letting our pains out, otherwise the pain keep following us and hurt us more."

Arnav looked at her with his red eyes, like a kid yearning for assurance and support. Khushi slide beside him and kept her head on his shoulder and entwined their fingers making Arnav confuse.

Khushi: " 'We always think that our pain is big,' I today understood how right this statement is. I used to think that I am unlucky who lost her parents in such a young age till today for many reasons in my life. But today I realized that how wrong I was, I couldn't even imagine myself in your shoes, it makes me shudder to even think of that scenario.

Arnav: Khushi.

Khushi: Shhhh....let me speak. Don't turn back today otherwise you may never be able to face these demons of past again.

Khushi: I now understand your fears,  your insecurities for marital relationship. But Arnav ji, don't compare yourself with your father, you are not like him nor you can be.

"I understand how the words your mother said must have affected to a 12 year old child but she would never mean that. She said those words because she wanted you to grow up as a good man unlike your father. She feared if you also followed your father's step therefore she asked Di to raise you with good values. She wanted you to respect everyone and womens around you,  and today she must be really proud of you."

Arnav: But...

Khushi: No. Listen!  You didn't fail her or Di. It's her morals and values that you were ready to sacrifice your own solace which you got after years being with me, a partner to take care of yours just because you wanted to see me happy. I have seen so many mans blinded in their male ego who thinks their wife should stay with him like a lame goat and they can do whatever the crap they want.
Your mother must be really proud seeing how you have emerged yourself as a good and respectable person and how others looks up at you as their idol.

Khushi: I never held anything against you Arnav ji. I have always respected you for your kindness and the way you handle all your responsibilities. I didn't tell you about Aashi because like you even I am scared, I didn't want you to accept us in your life just because we are your responsibility. I have said earlier and I am saying again, I know "you would have never turned away from your responsibilities."

Arnav: "I Love you"

Khushi looked at Arnav shocked hearing him confess this out of blue.

Arnav: I know it may not be a right time or way to say this but I don't want to delay it anymore.

Arnav: I realized it late Khushi,  after you left I realized what you actually meant for me. I was so wrong in thinking that I could let you go. I never thought I'll even feel this but from the time you entered in my life you,  it started changing,  for good. I started feeling happiness in my life and their was a completeness in it which I never realized earlier but after you left.

"What you mean for me I can't explain but I know if today I am confessing my Love is just because of you."

"I don't want to stay away from you and Aashi anymore Khushi,  I want to live again. Live with my family,  my wife, my daughter, I want to feel the feeling of fatherhood and see my daughter growing up. I want to show you how much I love you which I never did earlier."

"Please come back Khushi."

"Come back to our home."

"Let me become a part of yours and Aashi's world. "

"Let me repent for my mistake. "

"Please come back."

Khushi looked into his eyes, which was locked with her throughout,  stunned.

To be continued.......

What do you think Khushi will answer?

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