Part 4

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When Khushi enters in room , she looks at Arnav who was sitting on bed with his laptop but he was lost somewhere else. She walks towards wardrobe and keep that toy in wardrobe and it's voice breaks Arnav's trance.

Arnav:  Why are you keeping it here? He asked when he saw her keeping that toy in wardrobe.
Khushi: So where should I keep it?
Arnav: You should have given it back to Di afterall she's going to be mother.
Khushi: But Di have gifted it to us? She'll feel bad.
Arnav: Whatever!

Khushi(coming beside him): What happened? You're looking tense even you haven't stayed downstairs also.
Arnav( shutting his laptop in anger): Why? Now I need your permission to be in my own room?
Khushi(shocked): I just wanted to ask that are you ok? She said trying hard yo not start crying.
Arnav: I am fine! Now let me sleep, he switch off the lights and sleeps by turning his back to her.

Khushi also lie down on her side and turned to other side that now both their back was facing to each other. Arnav's behavior snd words hurted Khushi , though he often gets angry but today she can't even understand the reason because of which he is angry and now slept turning room dark knowing well that she is scared of darkness.

Arnav was not sleeping infact he was cursing himself to hurt Khushi without any reason and that's when he heard her sob, so low that if his mind was not on Khushi he wouldn't be able to hear that. He turns back to see her back , he saw her shivering form and he knows she is crying silently. And that's when he realized that room is dark , he have closed all lights and only little of moon light is in room, cursing himself some more he switch on the lamp beside her side of bed and he noticed how her body become still.

Arnav: Khushi! But she didn't move...
Arnav: Khushi! I know you're not sleeping he said inching close to her from behind.
Arnav: I am Sorry! I was tensed about something and lashed out my all anger on you. Sorry! Khushi started crying and he turned her towards him that now she's laying on her back.
Arnav: Please don't cry! He wipes her tears and kissed her forehead, than eyes, nose,.cheeks ans than slowly on her lips and than as night grew both drowned in the world of passion and desire.

Days started passing and Khushi felt that Arnav is withdrawing himself from her, he have started keeping distance from her. He leaves for office early and comes late in nights.

Arnav was working in his office but he can't concentrate on his work, his mind was on Khushi and their relation. He knew that he's messing their relationship by his behavior these days but his fear gets better of him.

Two years! Two years of marriage , he have tried his best to work on this relation and more than him Khushi worked on it , and it's the result of her constant trying that their relation has progressed this much.. He tried to keep Khushi happy after he realised that Khushi is a genuine person, pure hearted , she is not money minded, infact she is the most selfless soul in this selfish world who is always ready to help others. Slowly she started helping him in his business also, giving advices what she feels and it helped him to grow his business more. 

He thought that everything is perfect now but his fears have again came back to him from the time of having child in their perfect world has came up. He should have known that one day it'll happen , infact he knew it than why now he's feeling its not right.

No! He's not ready for a child, not now and maybe will never, but what's Khushi's fault in it? No! He have done enough injustice to her, she's already leaving in this marriage which is only standing on her one sided love and his responsibilities. He have seen her yearning for her husband's love looking at other couples but he always choose to remain ignorant, he can't be more unfair to her and ask her to sacrifice for which every women dreams form, for being a mother.

Arnav makes a call coming on some decision and after instructing to the person about what needs to be done, he sighed and closed his eyes.

Arnav: I know Khushi that  I have been unfair to you always but not anymore. You deserve all the happiness and Love and you'll get it.

" Decision have been made but It'll be for good or not? Only time will tell "

To be continued.......

What do you think ? What is Arnav's decision?

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