Part 10

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Raizada’s was getting ready to leave for Gupta house For Shagun Ceremony. When Arnav has announced that heis ready for marriage, all were shocked as they were not expecting him to get agree so soon but soon they let it go and jumped in happiness and right now all are ready to leave for Gupta House with Shagun for both Payal and Khushi.

Arnav: I am also coming with you..
Anjali: but chotte grooms aren’t allowed for shagun.
Arnav : Di I am agreed for marriage without even meeting the girl, I haven’t even saw her and now you’re telling that I can’t even meet her before you start with your rituals, he said angrily which Anjali was fast to noticed. So Anjali made Nani understand that if they denied everything can turn wrong as Arnav already agreed with difficulty. After Nani agreed, Raizada’s with both Arnav and Akash left fot Gupta House but they forgot to inform Gupta’s that Groom’s are also coming with them.


Gupta House

Garima was with Payal all the time making her ready with lots of make-up and jewellery where Madhumati was busy in instructing servants about preparation and herself got ready to welcome Raizada’s. Khushi looked at payal and Garima on standing outside payal’s room, she came there to ask for Payal’s help as she was confused on what to wear but looking at the scene how Garima was helping her , her heart cried. How she wished to have her mother beside her today and pamper her like Garima is doing for payal, she rushed outside to garden and let her tears flow.


Raizada’s reached at Gupta House when Nani exclaimed in worry.
Nani: Anjali Bitiya we forgot to inform Gupta’s about Grooms coming with us.
Anjali: you are right Nani.
Arnav: so what? They will know now itself.
Nani: no chotte! It wouldn’t look good as it against customs.
Nani: Let us do one thing first we’ll go inside and you and Akash wait here.
Arnav: What the!
Nani: let me finish chotte! I’ll ask them and if they don’t mind , you and Akash can come inside and I am sure they’ll not deny still you should wait atleast for the sake of courtesy.

Looking at the grumpy Arnav , Anjali decided to tease him little to lighten his mood.
Anjali(whispering to Arnav):  Don’t worry chotte, Little wait will be fruitful. My would be Bhabhi  is very beautiful, I am sure one look at her and you’ll marry her happily.
Arnav: So much Confidence?
Anjali: Khushi ji hai hi aisi(She is just like that), so sweet and beautiful.
Arnav: lets see.


Khushi was sitting in Garden, sobbing. She was missing her parents when her phone rang.
Khushi(on phone): Yes
Payal: Khushi! Where are you?
Khushi: In Garden.
Payal: what? Are you ready?
Khushi: No ! I’ll be ready in 5 minutes, I am coming inside. Don’t worry.
Payal: how should I not worry? And You can’t come inside by door.
Khushi: Why?
Payal: because Raizada’s have reached and now sitting in Living room and you’re not even ready.
Khushi: Hey Devi Maiyya! Now what?
Payal: I have an idea ! I am sending Kamla bai to your room and she’ll help you to come inside. You just reach near your room window. Now I have to go, Please come fast

Khushi: but ….. the phone was already cut.
Khushi: But how will I go through window.
Khushi: I should go! Kamla bai must be coming with rope and she ran to reach near her room window when she bumped into something so hard or should say someone.

“What the!”


After Anjali called, Arnav and Akash was going inside when Arnav got an urgent call, so he told Akash Akash to go inside, he will come after sometime. He started while talking on phone when his eyes stopped at the figure sitting in garden on swing. Even Looking at her from backside he can say she is girl and probably crying. Soon her phone rang and he saw how she stood up abruptly, concentrating on his call he turned his back towards her.

After hanging up the call , he turned back to see that that girl when he bumped into something or someone so soft who was running like wind.

“What the”

He said looking down at the figure in his arms and realized that she is the same girl who was there on swing, she also looked up and time stopped for Arnav looking into her eyes. Just the  contact of their eyes sent shivers inside him. Her eyes was wet and he already knew she was crying , he wanted to ask the reason but held himself back shocked at his own thoughts and what shocked him more how can he see so much pain in them when he don’t even know her.

He don’t have an answer.

He was still looking at her when Khushi’s eyes went wide and she pushed herself back from his hold creating some distance between them which Arnav realized he didn’t like, another surprise for him.

Khushi: I am Sorry! I was ,,,, before she can say something, someone called her and she looked up to see panicked Kamla bai near her Room window.
Kamla bai: didi! Jaldi aaiye..
Khushi: but how? In return kamla bai threw a rope made by several colours dupatta’s.
Khushi; this?
Kamla bai: ji! The rope was in store room and we don’t have time and if Madam asked what would I have told her. Now come fast didi! Khushi nodded and held the end of rope.


Arnav looked at her with open- mouth and shouted when she started going up as Kamla bai with the help of other male servant started pulling the rope. Khushi also looked at him when he shouted, both gets lost looking at each other, Arnav wanted to stop her he feared if  dupatta’s was tied loosely and gets open than she’ll fall, Khushi thought she have seen the concern in his eyes but why would a stranger will be concerned for her.

Both kept looking at each other with lot of confusions  and arnav was looking at her lost , she looked like she was flying in air with the help of rope as her long hairs flew with air looking no less than a fairy in her white chuddidar. Both felt something unknown and completely new to them .

Khushi reached up and Arnav looking at her one last time moved inside in daze still thinking about her. On the other side in her room Khushi  also thinking about him.
Khushi: I didn’t even said sorry to himcorrectly in hurry, than other thought crossed her mind, “But Who was he?” because according to her  Groom wouldn’t be here.

Same was the case with Arnav, “Who was she?”
Arnav: Was she Payal? Or someone else? And why was she crying?
Arnav: stop Arnav! What if she was payal? Akash is going to marry her and you’re thinking about her but what he didn’t knew he have more surprises in store today.

To be continued.......

Precap: Shagun

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