Part 6

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Arnav: Here’s the divorce papers. He said handling a file to her.
Arnav: You just sign them and than you’ll be freee. I’ll handle the families, saying
this he left from there taking his car keys leaving Khushi alone who sat there still
trying to grasp the reality. How in few moments her perfect world has slipped
away from her but there was someone else who stood shocked hearing evwrything and that was Anjali who came there for Khushi
but hearing Arnav’s words she got the shock of her life.

Anjali walked inside with unsure steps herself crying for the innocent soul who
did everything for others happiness but today her own world has shattered. What all she have planned with Khushi for today but now how it have turned out.

Anjali keeps her hand on Khushi's shoulder, Khushi looks up with the hope to see Arnav with teary eyes but looking at Anjali she started crying freely in her arms, though they have relation because of Arnav but they have become sisters in these two years.

For Khushi today her world has shattered , her hopes of getting Arnav love one day has been destroyed by himself. Her hopes, dreams, and the life she have made for herself from 2 years everything is lost
because her husband is “Scared To Love”.

When Arnav returned back home it was 2 a.m. He walked into his room to find it dark. He frowns “Where is Khushi?” and why it is dark here?
He switched on the lights and looks for Khushi but found her nowhere in room. He gets tensed “ Did she left?”

Arnav: No “It’s very late , she wouldn’t leave at this time”. But than Where’s she?
He thought and looks at poolside , he checks others rooms carefully not to
disturb anyone. He found Khushi sleeping in guest room, Arnav was shocked as well angry , he was going to wake her up and take her to their room but stopped in
midway as he remembers the reason why she is here.

Arnav(to himself): Do you expect her to wait for you in your room after giving her those divorce papers? He looks at Khushi once again and move towards his room with heavy heart and Khushi who was pretending to sleep feeling his presense opens her eyes and tears was falling from her her eyes thinking about her ill fate looking at those divorce papers.

Next morning when Arnav came out after having shower he found his clothes, watch, handkerchief ready on bed with his black coffee on table. He looks for Khushi but she was nowhere , he got ready after having his coffe.

On breakfast table there was again no sign of Khushi and got to know that she have gone to temple (mandir) with Anjali.

In Arshi Room

Anjali: What have you thought now?
Khushi: I don’t know Di but I am thinking to talk with Arnav ji once more before taking any decision.
Anjali: Should I talk ….. Khushi cutts her.
Khushi: No Di! I’ll talk with him myself. You don’t have to say anything to him. It
should be his decision what he wants.
Anjali: Ok but I’ll be nearby, please don’t deny. Khushi agreed and both waited for
Arnav to return back.

To be continued…..

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