Part 15

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Arnav and Khushi was walking towards the parking and Arnav was still thinking of her earlier words but he still felt the need to make her understand. He don't know why! "Maybe because they'll be soon married and she'll be his responsibility" that was the reason he gave himself for his protective instincts towards Khushi.

Arnav helped Khushi to sit in car and himself sat on driver seat as he is going to drop her home. After driving halfway Arnav decided to break the silence and tell her what he wants.

Arnav: Khushi!
Khushi: Ji (yes)
Arnav: umm... Khushi please don't mind about what I am going to say but I still think you should be more careful, Khushi looked at him confused.

Arnav: Look I agree that you were right about what you said earlier. Mr. Khanna may be a genuine person but you shouldn't believe anyone so early, you don't know how much people can stoop low these days for some money, Khushi sighed, he's still there.

Arnav: I mean .... I know you're smart and of course a wonderful businesswoman (if His family was there they would have been fainted hearing him complimenting someone, he thought inwardly) but being emotionally attached with employees can be harmful.

Khushi: Arnav ji! You're thinking wrong I.... Arnav cutts her off

Arnav: No I have seen the atmosphere of your office and you must have seen mine, how much silence is there.... This time Khushi cuts him off.

Khushi: Yea! I have seen how boring it was, Arnav looked at her wide eyes but Khushi continued.

Khushi: You know something? When I came to your office for the first time I was shocked to see it all were looking like some book worms or scientists to me who was roaming around with Do not disturb hanging around them.

Arnav who was stopped the car in a side looked at her with expression of shock and surprise.

Khushi: After that I denied Akash ji that I wouldn't be able to work in your office because I can slip to deep slumber anytime with so much silence around ,she chuckled and continued.

Khushi: only then me and Akash ji decided that we'll work from my office. She smilingly turned towards him only to see him looking at her with wide eyes and realised what she was blabbering.

Khushi: Sorry! Actually I got carried away thinking about your office.

Arnav(composing himself): It's ok but I think a professional place should be like this , only then success can be earned.

Khushi: Wrong again!

Arnav: Huh?

Khushi: according to what you said means "My employees doesn't work correctly but my business condition is not too bad either."

Arnav: I.... Khushi cuts him.

Khushi: It's ok! But you see there are two ways by which you can get your employees work for you sincerely. First one like you do " Showing anger, strictness, rules etc just like a typical angry boss."

Second one " Like I do making an friendly atmosphere in workplace, understanding their problems, helping each other."

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