Part 29

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Khushi was making soup for Aashi thinking of the same event, she have felt so guilty that time seeing Arnav and Aashi hugging each other and Arnav's tears. She has been feeling so selfish from that time, she have always known that Arnav is not the one to run away from his responsibilities still she choose to hide her pregnancy and existence of Aashi from him.

She was feeling  so heart broken about divorce that she did injustice to her daughter who had no fault in anything.


Khushi entered in room to see Arnav sitting with his laptop on bed with Aashi who was blabbering her stupid questions and Arnav was hearing them with so much interest answering them patiently. She was admiring the duo when she heard Arnav.

Arnav: Khushi!

Khushi: Soup for Aashi. Aashi scrunched her nose looking at soup and Arnav smiled.

Khushi: Your coffee! She said giving his coffee to him and sat on other side of bed to feed Aashi.


Khushi: "I was going to tell you when Lavanya called to tell about Aashi's accident." Khushi started breaking the ice while feeding Aashi.

Arnav: "I... I didn't knew.." He tried to speak  but was unable to form his emotions in words like always when his phone rang. He thanked the caller and excused himself unaware that he'll soon get the another blow.


"Di! I am sorry but I was busy"

It was Anjali's phone and she was angry because of his lack of response to her calls and messages and not calling her himself to inform what causing him delay to come back.

Arnav: "Di I know you're worried but I am fine. Di there is something really important I need to tell you but was not getting how, *sigh* Wish you were here Di." He finished with cracked voice, getting emotional.

Anjali: "What is it? Tell me! You're alright?  Please tell me." She started asking so many questions frantically hearing him so broken.

Arnav: Di calm down I am fine! I'll talk to you later.

Anjali: No I want to know. Right now!

Arnav(sighed): Di

Anjali: Tell me!

Arnav: "Di! Khushi is here, In Mumbai. I met her and.." He started thinking about everything and Aashi.

On the other side there was complete silence which Arnav soon noticed.

Arnav: Di!

Anjali: "Khushi! You met her? How is she? And where was she all these years? How can she leave just like that in that condition? Yea! Khushi is fine right? And baby? and" she halted realizing what she just spit out.

For Arnav he went numb as realization dawned upon him. Di knew! She had known all along. He spoke shocked with the truth.

Arnav: You knew?

Anjali: Actually... umm Khushi

Arnav: Di please!

Anjali: Yes! Khushi didn't wanted,  I had no choice but to agree with her.

Arnav: "But why dammit? If you both had told me this wouldn't have happened? This all?" He stopped feeling so helpless and Anjali also cried feeling his pain on the other side.

Anjali: "I am sorry Chotte but Khushi was also right. She was going to tell you that night but everything shattered when you announced your decision of divorce" and then Anjali explained him everything.

Anjali: "That day when You asked for divorce from Khushi, I was there. In morning when Khushi and I went to temple, Khushi fainted, I only took her to hospital and after checking doctor told us the good news. I still remember the shine on Khushi's face and the happiness I have seen in her eyes that time. We didn't tell this to family because Khushi wanted to share this with you first."

Anjali: "Khushi was waiting excitedly for you to return, to share the news and also to make you ready for anniversary party. I was also there outside to see your reaction when she'll tell you but what I heard and saw, I knew Khushi will be shattered and that happened. When you left the room after telling her about divorce, she fell on to the floor, like some lifeless doll. I was so angry with you and was ready to give you piece of mind but Khushi stopped me. After crying for whole night, she decided to confront you for the sake of the unborn but your words that you still thought your marriage as a compromise left her shattered and she accepted your decision.
She stopped me to tell about her pregnancy because she was scared for the baby, she didn't wanted the life for baby which she was living, growing up to see her father struggling to accept her/ him, to Love her/ him.
Having no other choice and understanding the fears of a mother, I promised her to not tell about her pregnancy to anyone." She was crying as she finished and Arnav he was struggling to breathe as the impact of Anjali's words and Khushi's fear hit him.

Anjali: I am sorry!

Arnav(gulping): "Aashi! Her name is Aashi and both are fine. I'll talk to you later." He cut the call answering her earlier questions as he struggled to breath, his vision was blurred with tears and that's how Khushi found him, sitting on his knees when she came searching for him.

To be continued.....

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