Part 27(B)

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Arnav sat beside Khushi waiting for her to wake up, she fell unconscious with all the emotional turmoil. He caressed her head lovingly, when Khushi scrunched her eyes and opened them slowly. Arnav felt hurt looking into her red eyes because of crying.

Khushi gets lost looking at the concern with emotions she is now scared to believe in his eyes for her but soon composed herself and looked away trying to sit and Arnav helped her.

Khushi: It's late! I need to go, she said looking away.

Arnav: No! You need rest and I have already informed Lavanya that you're staying back.

Khushi: "What? No, I have to go." She said thinking of Aashi.

Arnav: Khushi I am not letting you go, when all you need is some proper rest.

Khushi: but.... Arnav cutts her

Arnav: shh.... Just relax! Khushi nodded finally, herself tired to fight.


Arnav was lying down on recliner where Khushi was on bed, no one was sleeping. Both thinking about what's next, one was confused with recent happening and scared from inside for her secret,  so other was planning how to get everything on track again, how to mend everything.

Suddenly Khushi broke the peaceful silence, her eyes looking above at ceiling, as she asked the question which confused her.

Khushi: How did you claimed my share? I mean legally me or my husband can do that,  but we were... I mean... umm we..

Arnav: Never got divorced! We're still legally married.

Khushi sat up shocked with the revelation and Arnav did the same, night seems never ending tonight.

Khushi: But how? I mean I... We signed the divorce papers, then?

Arnav walked close to her and sat in front of her "Yea we signed them But the papers never reached court, they were never legally approved. We're still married as those papers were destroyed by me the same night when you left." Khushi kept looking at him shocked, tears filling in her eyes.

Arnav(rubbing the sides of her eyes): Didn't I tell you, I was coming to take you back same night but then decided to come next day? So how could I have submitted those damn papers in court?

Her eyes filled with tears as Arnav continued to wipe them nodding in NO and kissed her head, hugging her softly.


Next Day

Arnav dropped Khushi at home, telling her to rest, he left from there to office. Khushi spent day with Aashi as Lavanya had already left for office. Khanna uncle didn't asked anything giving her the much needed space and she was thankful to it.

Khushi (thought): "Now what should I do?  Till yesterday I thought I was divorced, but now everything has changed. Arnav ji didn't divorce me and he wants me to return" if one part of her was happy so other was scared, scared of his reaction when he'll come to know about Aashi. She knows that she can't hide about Aashi from him for long. Lavanya words about Aashi and Arnav meeting came back to her and she decided to talk with Arnav asap.


On the other side, Arnav was himself engrossed in his thoughts. He has just once messaged Khushi asking about her health and after getting reply he didn't disturb her again. He knew yesterday revelations was too much for her to take and now she needs sometime to analyse everything. He'll soon talk to her about returning back,  even if he had to beg in front of her.


Lavanya and Mr. Khanna sat stunned as Khushi told him what happened yesterday, about Gupta's, business and their divorce which never happened on the first place.

Lavanya: I always knew those people's are pity on the name of family but never thought they're so cheap.

Mr.Khanna: That was the past and it can't be changed, there's no use thinking about it. We have something else to think which is really important.

Mr. Khanna (to Khushi): Now that you know Arnav never divorced you on the first place, what are you planning to do?

Khushi: I don't know! One side I am happy that he came to take me back, he still wants me to return back but other side I am scared. Scared of his reaction when he'll come to know about Aashi, scared to risk my heart with him again.

Mr. Khanna(caressing her head): Don't be! You'll repeat the same mistake as him if you'll live with your fears,  face them. You don't have to risk anything,  you and Aashi has your life perfect,  nothing will change. So go, face him and tell him everything rather than living with your fears.

Khushi: I am also thinking same but....

Mr. Khanna: Don't think too much, he has a right to know, maybe Aashi will get her father or if he's still not ready to live life the way it is, you guys are better without him and you don't have to live with the guilt of separating father and daughter.

Khushi: You're right. I'll do just that.

Mr. Khanna: God bless you! Lavanya also smiled and the duo left to sleep, leaving a thoughtful Khushi and sleeping Aashi.


Arnav also slept with a smile, thinking to talk with Khushi tomorrow and take her back with him.

To be continued........

Precap: Accident!

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