Part 19

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Arnav walked out after shower to see Khushi packing her bags, for a moment he was shocked but then he remembered everything.

Arnav: Khushi! Khushi looked up and he can tell she have cried.

Arnav(walking close to her): Khushi may be you feel that whatever I am doing is wrong but trust me it's for your own good.

Khushi: It's ok! I think I should leave now, she said as straightly she could say which even shocked Arnav but he understood that she's hurt.

Arnav: Khushi you don't have to leave right now. I mean it'll take sometime to complete divorce process.

Khushi: "But I can't stay here anymore, I have signed these divorce papers. You can handle from here, "she said handling him divorce papers.

Arnav don't know why now he is thinking to throw the damn papers and stop her from leaving, when he was sure about it.

But he made himself remember that he is doing this for her and he can't back step, so gulping the lump in his throat he nodded keeping papers aside and walked downstairs with her. They have to face family also telling them about the divorce is not easy.


Both Arnav and Khushi walked downstairs in silence but when they neared the hall they heard all family members voices. Keeping her luggage aside both walked upto them.

Mami: HHBB here comes our another beautiful couple, she said gaining everyone's attention who also looked at them.

Akash and Payal who were surrounded by family walked upto them and before Arnav can guess what's happening Khushi takes some steps​ forward hugging Payal.

Khushi: Happy Anniversary Payal. Arnav looked at them stunned realising what day it is. "Their Wedding Anniversary"

Payash: Happy Anniversary to you too. Khushi faked a smile

Arnav was looking at Khushi who was hugging Payal when he was also hugged by Akash who wished him.

Akash: Happy Anniversary bhai.

Arnav: "Happy Anniversary", he said still trying to get a grip on himself. How can he forget this.


How hurt Khushi must be feeling, he thought sadly and wanted to talk with her but family started bombarding them with wishes exept Anjali who was silent knowing the shock coming for everyone.


Khushi (taking blessings from Nani): Nani ji! I am leaving. All looked confused at her where Arnav closed his eyes in regret knowing his action is going to hurt everyone on this happy day.

After that what followed was numerous questions, cries and pleadings from family to stop them but the decision was taken.


Arnav left taking Khushi with him to drop her till her home. Both were silent trying to digest how their life has changed suddenly and now they are sitting beside each other like the strangers before two years.

Gupta House (Outside)

Arnav stopped his car in front of Gupta House and slowly turned to Khushi to see her lost. He closed his realising how hard it is becoming, now saying bye to her feels like a challenge.

Arnav: Khushi... but she didn't heard.

Arnav(touching her shoulder): Khushi!

Khushi(coming out of her stance): huh?

Arnav: Are you ok?

Khushi: Yea! And then looking around she realized that they are in front of GH. She closed her eyes to clear her mind and was going to move out of car when Arnav held her wrist to stop.

She turned to look at him and he pulled her closer both looking deep into each other eyes.

Arnav: Khushi....

To be continued.......

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