Part 29 (B)

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Khushi looked at Arnav who was crying, shocked. Khushi was instantly on his side, she didn't know what should she do, she has never seen him in this way.

Khushi: Arnav ji

Khushi: Arnav ji what happened?

Khushi: "Arnav ji Aashu is calling you, she'll be scared to see you like that." Khushi tried to divert his mind and it got his attention, he instantly wiped his tears.

Arnav: "You should go. Tell her, I am coming." Khushi nodded and left turning back again and again to look at him.

Khushi looked as Arnav entered in room, looking all fresh but his eyes were red telling how much he have cried. Arnav played with Aashi for sometime before she fell asleep. Arnav continued caressing her,  softly kissing her in between and Khushi knew they need to talk now.

Arnav: "I am Sorry!"  Arnav spoke himself startling Khushi.

Khushi: huh?

Arnav (looking at her): "I am sorry!"  Khushi's heart cried looking into his teary eyes.

Khushi took him with her to other room letting Aashi sleep peacefully.

Khushi: "Arnav ji...." Arnav cutts her off.

Arnav: "I know I have hurt you so much but trust me I never intended to. The decision I took was thinking about your happiness, I knew I was tormented by my past, and you were just suffering with me, burying your own desires and wishes and when the thought of your pregnancy came. I knew you would want it one day for which I was not ready but I also knew I don't have any damn right to snatch something from you which every women wishes and dreams off. I had my own reasons but you, I knew you were already compromising so much for me and I didn't wanted to snatch something so big from you but Khushi!  Trust me," he gulped and continued.

Arnav: "If I had known about your pregnancy I wouldn't have left you alone Khushi. I know I didn't want to become father but it's also true I wouldn't have left any stone unturned to try to become one, I.... I... " He stopped unable to continue more and at the end both were crying.

Khushi: I am sorry!

Arnav: Why're you saying sorry?

Khushi: "I knew you very well. I knew you can turn away from your responsibilities still I didn't tell you, even after Aashi's birth I didn't inform you. Whatever your decision have been, it was my responsibility to inform you. But after the argument between us, when you still called our marriage as convenience,  I was hurt. I wanted to stay there and tell you about my pregnancy but then mother inside me won. Fear won!"

"Fear of my baby facing the same I have faced. Fear of my baby yearning for his father's love and affection who is near but yet so far. I asked Anjali di to not tell this to anyone and decided that for the good of my unborn,  I'll not continue this facade of marriage anymore."

Arnav: I am sorry!

Khushi: "I am sorry too Arnav ji but you were not ready to let go of your past nor ready to share it and I was losing hope."

Arnav: "I know!" After taking a deep breadth, he continued.

Arnav: "I don't know if it's needed now or not but today I'll tell you everything. You have right to know everything, I should have told you long ago but..."

Khushi: You don't have to.

Arnav: No! You have gone through so much and you need to know everything.

*Flashback *

My mother and father both used to be from royal families of town. In one of the parties my mother met my father and felt attracted to him. Slowly both fell in Love and wished to get married but my Mother's father denied as he didn't liked my father much. But my mother was that time blind with love and adamant to get married to him, at last her father agreed."

"In starting everything was going good but with time the reality behind the name and fame of Malik's started coming out in open. Malik's almost all property was under debt, my mother was just a medium to get money as she comes from a rich family. When Anjali Di born, my father and Grandmother cursed my mother for not giving them a heir. My mother who used to live like a princess after marriage worked like an unpaid maid, hearing their taunts."

"In start, my mother asked from her father for the help of money,  but with time she stopped as she felt guilty,  it was her mistake that she got married even after her father was against this relation. When my father didn't get money,  they started treating my mother more badly. Everything was already snatched from our family and now only our house was left which was left."

"I was six, when my mother got to know the ugliest side of her husband, my father wasn't only alcoholic but womanizer also. He used to visit brothels almost regularly. My mother kept quiet because of me and Di, she started working herself   for our household as my father was too proudy to do that. She used to work in home, sewing clothes for others, doing other little thing, but feeling too guilty she never let her family know."

"Time passed and we got habitual to that life, my father used to beat my mother every night and Di being the elder just used to take me away and put to sleep but those screams of my mother used to ring in my ears."

"I was growing up and was of now twelve years. One day I returned back home happily to show my trophy to my mother which I won in GK competition, but I never knew that day will change everything in our life."

"I saw my mother fighting with my father and Di was hiding behind my mother, hearing the voice of shouting, I hide behind the wall. My father was ready to sell Di to the person of his age or may be more than him for the huge amount of money. He was fighting with my mom, that what'll Di do with studies,  she is a girl and my mom is waisting money on her studies. Di is just a burden, so now when he can make money with her why she's not agreeing. That day I had seen a different type of disgust and disbelief in my Mother's eyes and she slapped my father, my father got angry and was taking Anjali Di forcefully with him but my mother fought."

"At last, he stopped and kept a deal in front of my mother,  if she don't want Anjali Di to go with him, she should entertain the men he'll brought with himself from now on. My mother was just breaking from inside, I can see and I finally ran to her, hitting my father who just laughed and pushed me away."

"Looking at Di, my mother agreed, and that monster left laughing telling mother to be ready for the night. But my mother has something else in mind, after serving us lunch she started packing our bags and we followed her confused. Then she called her mother after years, after shifting to a small house, after our house was snatched my mother had no connection with her family. My mother cried on phone telling everything to her mother and later told us that we are leaving for her maternal home and we will live there from now on. We were happy unknown to the storm coming to engulf us."

To be continued......

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