Part 5

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Khushi: Arnav ji! Back so early today? She asked taking his coat from him.
Arnav: Yes! Had some work.
Khushi: Ok! You get fresh  till than I'll get your coffee, Arnav nodded.

Arnav: Thanks! He said taking coffee from Khushi who smiled and started arranging his things which he have dropped on bed carelessly.
Khushi: Arnav ji! I'll not be able to attend tomorrow meeting with singhaniya's. Sorry!
Arnav: Why?
Khushi:  I have to go temple with Di.
Arnav: Ok! And he looked at Khushi keenly , memorizing her every expressions and thinking how to approach the topic and What will be her reaction to it.

Arnav thought to talk after dinner as Khushi really seems excited and happy and he didn't wanted to spoil it but he have to do it also.

After Dinner

Khushi(Excitedly): Arnav ji! I need to tell you something.
Arnav: Khushi! Even I want to talk about something to you.
Khushi: First me!
Arnav: No Khushi! I have something really important to discuss, he said seriously which was enough to shut Khushi.
Khushi:  What happened Arnav ji?  She asked concerned.

Arnav: Khushi! Come sit here , he said and made Khushi to sit in front of him.
Arnav: Khushi! Whatever I am going to ask you , please reply honestly. Will you?
Khushi: Why are you talking like that? You are scaring me.
Arnav: Please Khushi!
Khushi: Ok.

Arnav: Are you happy with me?
Khushi: huh! She asked confused.
Arnav: I mean you know how and Why we got married?
Khushi: Arnav ji! I am happy. Don't worry ! Here everyone takes care of me and love me like I was always a part of this family.
Arnav: Except me! He blurted before he knew and Khushi looked at him shocked.
Khushi: No Arnav ji ! You don't have to think like that , I am happy with you as you are, she said with half smile but it was true , she was happy here and with him more than her maternal home and She have fallen in Love with her husband accepting his flaws long ago.

Arnav: Ok! After a pause.........
Khushi! What do you think about baby?
Khushi: Baby? I live them Arnav ji and you know it.
Arnav: I mean having our own baby? Do you want them? He asked carefully.
Khushi: What type of question is this? Ofcourse I want baby and I want three. One girl and two boys , Infact.... Arnav cutts her off..

Arnav: But I don't want any child Khushi! He said looking at her and Khushi looked at him shocked without even moving. Both looked into each other eyes when Khushi asked.

Khushi: But Why Arnav ji?
Arnav: I am not ready for it and that's enough , he said getting up from bed.
Khushi: But...
Arnav: I know Khushi, you want to have babies and trust me I'll nit let you bury your another wish because of Me, therefore I have decided something.

Smile appeared on Khushi's face thinking that Arnav is ready for child because of her but her hopes shattered hearing what he spoke next.

Arnav: "We'll get divorced and will be free from this relation" Than you can live your life as per your wishes.

" You're still young and talented. You'll get someone who'll Love you and can make your wishes true".

To be continued.....

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