Part 28

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This update is dedicated to our female protagonist #SanayaIrani aka Khushi


#No Proofread

Next day

Both Arnav and Khushi was busy in meetings, they finally met with each other in evening when they both gathered in conference room to attend the same room.

Arnav was excited as well as nervous with the thought of talking with Khushi after the meeting, he was stealing glances of Khushi who was herself nervous.

Khushi sat there nervously, her palms sweaty thinking about her decision, once this meeting gets over she will tell everything to Arnav. But after that? How'll Arnav react? Will his fears again overpower him? Or the father in him will win? Whatever the result will be, she is ready to risk her newly found happiness again, because there is no happiness in her life now without Aashi, everything is incomplete.


Khushi waited for Arnav in parking area, she has already sent Lavanya back to home to look after Aashi as Mr. Khanna was not feeling too well himself.


Khushi turned back to look at Arnav who sprinted towards her, he stopped before her taking deep breaths, and she can tell he came here running.

Arnav: Sorry for making you wait! Actually there was some unfinished work.

Khushi: it's ok!

Arnav: So shall we go? Khushi nodded and Arnav drove them back to his place.


Khushi looked around remembering last night events. last night many things got revealed to her and now she is here the biggest truth of their life to Arnav. She is feeling scared, she don't want Arnav to reject Aashi, she has lived till now contented with the thought that Arnav don't even know about Aashi but now even after knowing about her, of he denied accepting them in their life, she will be shattered with her hopes. But still she is here because of her hope ehich was telling her to tell him everything, he wouldn't leave them alone this time.


Khushi's thought interrupted by Arnav as he walked to her with their Mugs of coffee in his hands.

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