Part 17

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It was their Sangeet ceremony, Khushi was happy because Lavanya is out of danger and very soon she'll be fine to live her life.
Payal and Khushi got ready and left for RM with other Gupta's where Sangeet ceremony has been held.

Raizada's welcomed their future daughter-in-Laws happily, Khushi looked at the eager eyes of Akash admiring Payal and unknowingly her eyes searched for Arnav who was nowhere to be seen, she felt disappointed but consoled her heart knowing the reality of their relation.

Anjali told that Arnav is busy in some video conference and will be joining soon. Payal and Akash was already sitting beside each other, Khushi was sitting alone, though she felt sad when guests asked about Arnav but thinking that the meeting must be urgent she tried her best to handle alone. She again looked around to see Arnav has come and now talking with some guests, she felt relief as well as happiness that she's not alone here anymore and soon she was joined by Arnav who sat beside her.

All were enjoying Sangeet and Arnav and Khushi have just talked a little regarding Lavanya's health which Arnav asked from her. Now sitting beside each other when Khushi was enjoying the Sangeet, Arnav was looking for a chance to talk with her, alone.

After sometime Khushi needed to use the washroom before Anjali can help her Arnav took the chance much to Anjali's glee.


Khushi: Lets go! She said coming out of washroom.
Arnav: No.
Khushi: huh?
Arnav: I need to talk with you.
Khushi: Now?
Arnav: Yea! It's important.
Khushi(nervously): Everything Ok?
Arnav(sighed): Khushi! It's about us.


Arnav: Khushi! We have talked about this before also but I think I need to make it more clear as I don't want you to regret about this relationship.
Khushi: Arnav ji! I.... Interrupted by Arnav.
Arnav: No Khushi let me complete. We both know why are we getting married still I have told you that I'll try my best to complete all my responsibilities towards you.

Arnav: Khushi I can promise you to complete my responsibilities honestly and try my best to complete your dreams you want but now meeting you from last few days has made me understand that you're more emotional and have great importance of love in your life and that's made me to talk to you before marriage and Lavanya's matter just made more sure about it.

Arnav: Khushi I will try my best to keep you happy and complete my all responsibilities. You'll get everything you deserve as a wife but... But... He turned his back to her.

Arnav: Khushi I don't believe in Love, I can complete my all duties and responsibilities as a husband that I promise but don't expect a romantic husband and Love because I don't believe in all this. I just wanted to clarify this after meeting you I feel you want someone who love you and that's not me. Khushi you don't have to do this if you don't want , you still have time take back step. And trust me no one will say anything to you, I'll handle everything.

I'll wait for your answer, saying this Arnav walked out of room unable to gather the courage of facing her, if he have turned he have seen the sheer sadness spread on her face.

Anjali who have came to call them as it was late heard everything and felt bad looking at Khushi, she have not expected this from Arnav. Though Arnav was right still she thought to clarify few things to Khushi.


Anjali: I am sorry Khushi! She said now sitting beside her.
Khushi: huh?
Anjali: It's because of me that Chotte and you are facing this. But trust me Khushi I wanted nothing except to see my chotte happy and when I met you that day a buried dream of mine light up. Don't know why but meeting you made me believe that only you can bring him out of his shell. Getting orphan in small age with responsibility of a sister and facing the cruelty of world has made him so hard.

Anjali: he has become a person whom no one can beat. Trying to become a shield for his sister and family, he have buried his own heart and needs somewhere. It's not that he can't love, but he want to run away from this emotion because our past made him believe that Love is only an allusion which hurts.

Arnav: He is still a child from heart who lost the Love he needed most in childhood and faced so much that now he feels that love is something which is not made for him. He have lot of love hidden in his heart Khushi, he needs someone who can show him what is Love , make him realize the power of it and marriage.

After meeting you and looking at your nature I felt that you can do it and also I have seen how Gupta's fake their love to you. I felt that you both need each other to share your pain and happiness and one day May be Love.

Khushi listen everything without a word which Anjali noticed and sighed.

Anjali: Chotte is correct, we don't have any right to spoil your life, so you can decide if you want to give chance to this relation or not. And trust me like chotte said no one would blame you and she also left.



Khushi thinks how that day she have cried for sometime after reaching GH, but she had no reason to deny. She is already living between peoples who doesn't care about her, she would atleast get a loving family , genuine peoples and most importantly support of a husband. So what if he said he may never love her , there are many couples outside who are living with each other binded with the relation of marriage.

Arnav has promised her to look after her and complete his all responsibilities , she would do the same and may be someday , at one point they'll fall in Love.

Arnav has given her chance and came clear in front of her , she respect him for it. She'll do everything a wife do with all her heart and like Di said one day Arnav ji may love her.


After that everything was like a blur as one by one all rituals got completed and they binded with each other in the relation of marriage, Khushi thought smiling now caressing their marriage pictures when she hear the "Ting" of wall clock and looks at the time to see 12 am of midnight.

She keeps the photo album aside and takes the divorce paper in her shivering hands. Anjali enters in room at the same time and was shocked to see Khushi holding pen with divorce papers in front of her.

To be continued.........

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