Part 30

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Khushi gulped painfully hearing the dark tale of his past as Arnav continued gazing at nothing in particular lost in past memories.

Flashback continues

We were ready to leave the house when my father returned back home with some shiny clothes for my mother to wear but finding us ready to leave with our luggage,  he got angry.

He again started beating my mother who argued with him,  after beating her without any mercy, he marched towards Anjali Di asking her to be ready as now she'll do as asked. Anjali di cried but that monster heard nothing,  his daughter was just a object for him to earn some money for his ugly needs. He started dragging Di when my mother again fought with the energy left in him and I was crying following the two who means the world to me.

We reached at the stairs as I was trying hard to push that monster away, he pushed me and my forehead hit the railing near my eyes. My mom tried to hit him from behind in anger but it didn't affected him instead he got angry and pushed my mother. I screamed along with Di as we saw with horror our mother falling from stairs. I screamed for help and before our neighbours came for help that bastard fled away from scene.

We reached at hospital and Di informed Nani about mother. We both were crying and scared but Di still tried to console me, aiding my wounds. Another shock came for us when doctor informed that mother was few weeks pregnant, technology was not so much transformed them, so they announced that they won't be able to save our mother and we could meet her for last time. I was just numbly following Di.

My mother was lying there lifeless, I and Di tried to talk to her, I cried telling her to not leave me but it was inevitable. But before taking her last breaths she said something which etched in my heart forever, scaring the hell out of me.

"Anjali take care of yourself and Chotte. Don't cry I am getting punished for loving this cruel men, I should have left him long ago so you wouldn't have to face it today.

"Chotte "

Kissing Arnav's hand "Take care son and be a good man. I Love you."

Turning to Anjali again " Take care of him Anjali,  raise him with good morals  and care. I am scared if one day he turned out to be like his father,  his anger make him things do without thinking and I don't want him to turn out like his father, he has that blood " and she closed her eyes for forever.

Flashback Ends


Khushi looked aghast with all the happenings of past,  so much was buried inside him. She hugged him as he cried in her arms finally letting out all his pain and fears inside him from the years.

Arnav: Nana and Nani reached there after sometime and they were also shattered to see their daughter dead. We completed all the rituals and my Nana was hell bent to punish my father,  he did everything to search him, but my cunning father was escaping every time but it wasn't for long when we got the news of his death. He was found near railway track, he was running away from the peoples he took money and they were behind him now, he was drunk and running to save himself when he came in front of train.

Khushi closed her eyes in pain as she shuddered to imagine the scenario he has once gone through, her hands caressing his hairs.

Arnav: I felt satisfied hearing the news of his death,  he was no more a father to us, just a murderer of our mother and her unborn.
Everything and everyone started moving with time, but her words never left me, it used to ring in my ears and nightmares became common.

Arnav: I studied and worked hard to become a respectable person and make my own name. I didn't want to known through  my grandfather's name, not because I had some ego but because I don't wanted to become dependant and earn it only if I deserve. I wanted to prove myself that I am not like my father and can make my own name. Nani and Nana understood and supported me and I started my business as soon as I started pursuing my MBA,  Nana ji helped me with initial capital.

I worked day and night with my studies and luckily soon my business started growing and was success. I returned my grandfather's money to him within two years and my MBA was also completed till then. Business started growing up and Anjali Di was all set to get married, I was scared for her and denied many proposals when Shyam jiju came into picture, I tried hard to find any reason to deny him also but the reasons was not enough and I saw Di also attracted to him.

I agreed but as he had no family because his parents passed away few years ago, I asked him to stay with us, he denied. I understood it was hurting his self respect but I was not good in words to explain him my fears. I asked him to think about it, Di must have explained him so he came back next day and agreed.

Nana ji also passed away after few months of Di marriage and left his business responsibility also on me. I started taking care of both the business when even Akash was ready to join business and he wished to join with me. Mama ji suggested to merge both the business as now he is also growing old, after thinking for sometime we merged both the business.

Arnav: "I never wanted to get married ever in my life, because I feared what if my Mother's words turned out to be true. But then Akash and Payal's relationship pulled us together in marriage. I never knew when this relationship out of convenience turned out to be real in every sense and I started feeling comfortable around you, dependant on you."

"I knew you used to yearn for the normal relationship like other couples around you and I used to feel guilty always for adding some more sorrows in your life. When I saw you dreaming about having a baby I  realized that I am being unfair to you because of my fears. I tried to think, to work on my fears but I felt I wouldn't be able to do so I decided to set you free. I didn't want you to compromise more because of me and  I can't snatch your dream of becoming a mother just because I am unable to move on from my past and fears."

"I regret!"

"I am regretting and I'll regret all my lifetime because letting you go wasn't right. I thought it'll bring happiness in your life but I was wrong I just turned my Mother's fear right. You came far away from me, didn't even informed about your pregnancy and......" He cried.

"I failed... I failed her, Di,  you and now even my daughter."

Khushi was crying and nodding in No, but Arnav was not ready to listen anything and continued to blame himself.

To be continued.........

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