Part 33

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After taking so many promises from her Lavanya masi (Mother's sister or friend) and Nanu,  Aashi bid bye to everyone and as for Arnav it was getting really difficult for him to see his wife and daughter crying. He was almost on the verge of cancelling the plan when Mr. Khanna stopped him.

Mr.Khanna: It'll be same tomorrow Arnav,  we always feel bad seeing our close one's going away but that's inevitable, you'll also know when one day Aashi will leave your house.

Arnav (shocked): What?  Why would Aashi leave?  I just got her and I am not letting her go anywhere again.

Mr.Khanna (laughing at his possessiveness): I meant when she grow up and get married to someone. When you'll do her bidaai with her groom you'll understand what being a girl's father means.

Arnav: Ohhhhh but she's so small now to even think about her marriage sounds crap.

Mr.Khanna (laughing again): Ok ok.

Hearing the announcement, "your flight is here. Call me as soon as you reach Delhi and *with teary eyes * I'll miss you."

Khushi hugged him and Arnav followed, Aashi who was already in his arms,  squirmed and kissed his cheeks telling him not to cry.

Khushi and Aashi hugged Lavanya who was crying but happy for her friend come sister, Arnav  thanked her and Abhay sharing a hug with him and they left.



Nani: What happened Anjali?  Why are you pacing here and there?

Anjali (still pacing in living room, looking at main door again and again): I am waiting for Arnav,  his flight is already landed but he's still not here.

Nani: Anjali you know Delhi's traffic right, he must be coming or maybe he directly went to office.

Anjali: That's not possible!

Nani(frowning): Why? He have done it many times. Anjali!  What are you hiding from me.

Anjali (stammering): Wo Nani Arnav met Khushi in Mumbai and I feel he'll return back with her.

Nani(shocked): What? And you didn't even tell me.

Mami (coming downstairs with Mama ji): HHBB what am I hearing?  Arnav met Khushi and you didn't even told us.

"Payal "

"Payal "

Payal came down with Akash supporting her as she is heavily pregnant. When they were informed they were surprised as well happy. Payal was almost crying with happiness hearing about her sister after so long.

Nani: But the question is same Anjali why didn't you tell us earlier?

Anjali: Because there's more to it and I wanted Arnav to tell himself.

Mama ji: What is it bitiya?

Before Anjali could say anything,  they heard a voice from behind,  they all turned to see Arnav standing there on doorstep.

"I'll tell everything "

Anjali: Arnav!

Arnav looked at his side and brought Khushi beside him, who was standing behind him holding her hand.

All looked at the pair surprised and shocked as Khushi smiled nervously. Ladies looked at them stunned  with tears of happiness in their eyes and Mens smiled feeling happy for them.

Nani: Khushi bitiya!

Anjali: Khushi.

Both walked inside and Khushi was instantly hugged by Anjali followed by Nani and Mami. Payal was just looking at her with teary eyes without making a move so Khushi herself walked close to her.

Khushi: Payal..

Payal: How dare you?

Khushi: Huh?

Payal: How dare you left like that? If you had any problem couldn't you come and share it me? Or you never considered me as your sister? 

Khushi: I am Sorry!  Both sister hugged each other crying in happiness as Khushi congratulated him for the upcoming baby.

All were engrossed when they heard another voice.

"What the!"

All heads again turned to door to look at the little girl standing there with her teddy in arms and now glaring at everyone.

Aashi marched forward to Khushi without caring for anyone.

Aashi: Mumma!  You crying?  Who made my mumma cry?  She said now glaring at everyone who looked at her shocked before her eyes stopped at Arnav and she ran into his arms.

Aashi: Papa why mumma is crying? 

Realization dawned upon everyone as they realized that the girl is Aarhi's daughter.

Arnav: She is crying in happiness my princess. She is happy to meet everyone.

Aashi: Ohh..

Arnav: Come let me introduce you to everyone here.

Arnav: She is Aashi!  Aashi Arnav Singh Raizada, my daughter and Aashi this is my family..... He introduced her to everyone and all the elders hugged her,  kissing her, expressing their happiness to have her.

Everyone has questions in their mind but they can wait, for now it's time enjoy this newly found happiness.

To be continued................

Precap: Gupta's :-P

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