Part 11

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"Your soul seeks the highest feeling. It seeks to experience- to be- perfect Love. "

Raizada's and Gupta's were busy in chatting with each other . After looking at Arnav Garima and Madhumati felt jealous that Khushi will marry Arnav not Payal. Meeting Arnav they realised that he have everything under his control and also he is elder Son. They cringed with the thought of Khushi being Payal's Jethani but they could do nothing.

Nani: Garima ji now atleast call our Daughter- in- Laws.
Garima: Ji! Payal is in kitchen, she must be coming and Khushi!! She called one of the servant.
Garima: Call Khushi and tell her to come downstairs fastly, , servant left from there and at the same time Payal comes there with another servant carrying beverages for everyone.
Anjali: Payal ji! You're looking really beautiful. Smiling at the compliment Payal thanked her.

Arnav looked at payal and unknown to himself sighed in response that she's not the girl he met outside. "But who was she?" .

Like answering his question Anjali spoke looking at stairs .
Anjali: Look Khushi ji is also here , he followed Anjali's gaze and his breath again hitched second time in a day looking at Khushi who was descending the stairs wearing a simple Red chiffon saree with silver glittery border and open hairs.

As she walked towards them, he noticed that she's just like she was outside without any extra make-up just Kohl in her eyes and gloss on her lips. She took blessings from elders and Anjali also hugged her , he really liked looking at them like that, he can see his DI like Khushi very much and than she turned towards him.

Their eyes met , Realisation dawned upon Khushi and her eyes went wide and she gulped in fear. He smirked inwardly knowing very well that she's thinking about whatever happened outside in garden.

Madhumati: Ae Sankadevi! Why are you standing like statue? He looked amusingly at Khushi hearing that weird name and to his surprise she looked uncomfortable, nervously fidgeting with her pallu.

She tried to smile and sat down with Anjali. She was looking here and there avoiding his eyes when he again looked at her as her eyes turning wide and she looked at him in shock after knowing he is none other than Arnav.

To be honest to himself, he was enjoying this little show and her antics. He knows she's fearing what if he tell about her little stunt in garden to everyone.

Anjali: We were waiting for you Khushi ji. Why do took so much time in getting ready? You're already beautiful.

Buaji: Sankadevi must be busy in her work. She is very different from payal, where Payal takes interest in household works , Khushi always stays busy with business.
Khushi stiffened hearing this she understood what Madhumati trying to do, she just want to prove that Payal will be best bahu but she...!

Surprising everyone this time Arnav spoke.
Arnav: That's great ! Working for your carrier seriously is really good.  Infact I got to know from Akash how she is handling business with Mr. Gupta, Anjali also smiled.

Anjali: Chotte is right! He is really workaholic  himself, they'll make a great pair, Madhumati smiled fakely disappointed that her plan failed to spoil Khushi's image.


After that Shagun ceremony started and both couples made to sit beside each other later.
Arnav felt Khushi's hand tremble when Anjali kept her hand in his before gushing "How beautiful they look together". Anjali requested Gupta's to let Khushi spent sometime with Arnav alone because they are meeting today first time and very soon they're getting married, Shashi agreed before ladies can say something.

So now both Arnav and Khushi strolling in the garden where they have met earlier sometime ago. Khushi was still embarrassed to look at him because of how he have caught her earlier. She wanted to clear it the situation to him least he think wrong about her. Satisfied with this thought Khushi turned towards him ...

To be continued.......

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