Part 14

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Arnav reached at Gupta Industries in evening but Khushi was in conference room that time attending some important meeting , so he was asked to wait for some 10 minutes.

Arnav: I shouldn't have listened to Di and informed her earlier! He thought to meet with Shashi Gupta till then , he was moving towards the cabin looking around the office which was very different from his. Employees was working but that with  smile where his employees always  work fearing of his wrath.

When Arnav was close to Shashi Gupta's cabin , he saw an old man coming out of his cabin wiping his tears, he smirked thinking that he didn't do his work accordingly and might be Shashi Gupta snapped at him but than he heard another employee asking something from that man which confused him.

Employee(to man): What happened?
Man: he denied! He said I have already taken some extra money and now giving advance salary is not possible.
Employee: Didn't you tell him?
Man: I did! but he didn't listened, sighing. Now how'll I submit money in hospital and if i didn't.... he stopped unable to say anything when another employee tried to  console him.

Arnav looked at the scene confused, it's evening time and most of the employees were ready to leave but the words of both employee was enough for Arnav to understand that the man was asking for advance salary which Shashi denied and he looks desperate for money. Arnav thought to talk with Shashi that man really looks in need when the sight of something or someone made him to stop in his tracks.

There Khushi was coming out of conference room discussing something with her colleagues dressed in business attire with Black trousers and white shirt , hair tied in ponytail looking so simple but stunning. Excusing herself she was walkking towards her cabin when she crossed that old man and stopped, she walked back to him who was facing his back to her and composing himself.

Khushi(tapping his back): hello Khanna Uncle! What are you doing here till now? You should be with your daughter in hospital. She stopped looking at the red eyes of man.
Khushi: What happened uncle? Were you crying? Is your daughter alright? she started asking questions concerned and Arnav looked in amusement , they have met only once and she hardly spoke that time but he can also see that she's concern for the daughter of  that man who is Mr. Khanna according to what Khushi called him.

Mr. Khanna: Yes Madam! she's alright.
Khushi: Than why are you looking so sad? and how many times I have to tell you don't call me Madam?
Mr. Khanna: Sorry beta!
Khushi: It's ok but.... she suddenly stopped and looking around she asked other emploees to leave as office hours are over. When Mr. Khanna was ready to leave she stopped him;

Khushi: Did I ask you to leave? she asked keeping her one hand on her waist and frowning at Mr. Khanna which Arnav found really cute that it made him chuckle inwardly.
Mr. Khanna: Sorry beta, he said lowering his head.
Khushi: I'll forgive you on one condition , Tell me why are you so tensed? Is it related to your daughter?
Mr. Khanna hesitated to answer her but Khushi was admdant so at last he gave in, he was himself in need afterall.
Mr.Khanna: Today I have to submit another installment in hospital and the salary I got was mostly used on on medicines now I don't have enough money to complete the payments.

Khushi: then why didn't you tell me?
Mr. Khanna: You were busy in meetings today all day and it was getting late so I thought to ask with Boss if he can give me some loan and cut from my salary but he denied that I am already taking advance salary and some amount as loan also.
Khushi: Ohh she looked sad, Arnav wanted to help her but he didn't even knew the exact matter, so he thought it's best to not interrupt them.

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