Part 20

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Arnav: Khushi

Khushi: Ji

Arnav: Mat Jao..

Khushi looked at him with tears in her eyes before hugging him , crying I happiness.

Arnav: Khushi please don't cry! Khushi pulled from the hug and cups his cheek from one hand.

Khushi: Say it once again Arnav ji! Please..

Arnav: You don't have to go back Khushi. I am sorry I know I have hurted you that too on this day , he paused.

Arnav: I don't know how to explain, he struggled for words as Khushi's hand slipped away from his cheek in confusion.

Khushi: What do you want to say?
Arnav: Everything was going on smoothly dammit! Khushi I think we were ok, everything was fine, our family was happy. Khushi let's go back we can live like before if you're ok but ...
after gulping painfully. Khushi like I said earlier I am not ready for a child. I can't.. I just can't... he was interrupted by Khushi before he can say something else.

Khushi wiped her tears and holding her emotions she stopped him before he can
continue further, understanding that her
happiness was just for a moment.

Khushi: Can I ask you something? Arnav looked at her before nodding.

Khushi: Why do you want to stop me? Arnav looked confused before replying.

Arnav: Khushi I don't know! I think we were just perfect , this matter of having family has messed up everything. We can stay together like we were.

Khushi(smiled painfully): I should go now!

Arnav: What? Khushi..

Khushi: You are again confused Arnav Ji. You want me to go back with you but you don't know why! You want to lead a normal life but the truth is you yourself is making it difficult.

Khushi: I would have stopped if you had given me one reason but the truth is you are confused with your own feelings. You want me to come back but after few days you'll again turn your back if some other problem arises.

Khushi: Arnav ji I don't think we should repeat same mistake again, this time we shouldn't compromise. I have understood that you can't overcome from your past, you're holding it in your heart, you're not ready to share it nor you're ready to accept your present or your feelings wholeheartedly and I think this will lead us nowhere. So it's better if I ... interrupted by Arnav.

Arnav(angrily): Leave!

Khushi: Arnav ji.

Arnav: I said leave. He comes out of car before fetching her luggage from back seat and keeping it outside.

Khushi: I am sorry. She understood that he is angry because she have mentioned his past but she was herself hurt and didn't knew when she started talking about his past which she don't even knew.

Khushi looked at Arnav's car going away with tears in her eyes, the moment Arnav said "Mat jao" she was elated but his fear and still he is not ready to accept his feelings.

She would have gone back with him but ... If only she could tell him. If only he could understand.

She turned back to look at her so called home, Gupta House. When she got married to Arnav and left for Raizada Mansion, she never thought she'll ever return back here where everything and everyone is fake but fate she is once again standing here.

To be continued...

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