Kim Kiho [Sign] - MAP6

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This story goes out to : MonicaMochi

Tbh please check this group out they're so adorkable I swear XD


On a lovely winter's day, you were alone.

Oh no, let me explain this.

The majority of your friends were overseas, busy exploring the world and learning about the many cultures it had to offer. You would have done that too, had your guardians not decided it was a good time to teach you about independence and leave you at home while they too overseas.

I mean, it was good that they trusted you not to burn down the place, right?

Anyways, you were getting bored of the same walls that were part of what you called home. So how about an adventure into the wonderful world of your neighbourhood :D

You know, since it didn't look like you were gonna have any other sort of adventure anytime soon :P

You dressed appropriately and out the door you went into the outside world. You tried to invite some friends to venture with, but they either had actual events to tend to or couldn't since the invitation was so sudden ._.

So there you were, out in the wild. Lmao jk but you know what I mean :D

You were walking around and exploring new things around your neighbourhood which you had never noticed before. Including that one cute cafe you've always passed by, but never really got the chance to visit.

And so you walked into one of the most aesthetically pleasing cafes you've ever been to. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sounds of the espresso machine and soft chattering from customers and workers, what more could you ask for?

Oh yeah, and that good looking guy you ought to recognise. He was seated alone, a mug of drink on his table while he had his cell phone in his hand. You had definitely seen him before, on TV, if you remembered correctly.

In the meantime, you decided to order your drink since it'd be a waste to not try a beverage of such a lovely cafe. While you did so, you overheard a couple of the baristas saying that this Korean boy group was in town.

And you've heard of them - MAP6. Despite the name - which honestly is kinda cute in a way - they had some good music. And that's when it hit you - one of their members was in that exact cafe you were in.

And since you too enjoyed that group, you asked the baristas about them. Turns out they recognised the good looking guy you spotted earlier : Kim Kiho, also known by his stage name "Sign". 

And after a little fangirl moment with the baristas, you got your beverage and took a seat that allowed you to see him. I mean, you could've gone to Kiho and ask to sit with him, but you didn't really want to seem like a stalker :P 

And so you sat in your seat, keeping yourself busy with your drink, the aesthetic of the cafe, your phone and most importantly, Kiho. All he had to do was sit there and look pretty to make your heart flutter everytime you took a glance at him. Again, you didn't want him to think you were some sort of stalkerish fan ._.

But then there was this moment when you took your usual glance at him and as if by chance, he looked up from his drink and made eye contact with you. Astounded, you quickly looked back down, trying to cool your heated cheeks and calm your racing heart. 

You looked back up to see him smiling to himself, then looked back down just in case he was to look your way again. His adorable smile from before really didn't help your burning cheeks. Oh no XD

And then came the moment when you heard someone say, "excuse me." You look up to find none other that Kim Kiho in front of you. Personally, I wonder if your heart could actually take all that fangirling XD

"Do you mind if I sit here? I mean, not that I'm trying to be weird or anything but-"

"No no, it's alright!" you replied. He put his drink on the table and took the seat next to you.

"I like your blush. It's really pretty," he complimented. In return, you said a thanks, and possibly mumbled a little something about how he was pretty good looking too ._.

"Sorry, did you say something?" he asked. Whale then :1

And since you weren't the smoothest person when it came to flirting, you just shook your head and tried to play it cool. He then apologises. wai ._.

"Oh, how rude of me! What's your name?" he asked. You told him yours and he tells you his, even thought you already knew lmao. 

And so a conversation sparks between you two and let's just say Kiho turned out how you thought he would be : cool, sweet, dorky and everything in between :3

Unfortunately, like all other days, this particular day had to come to an end :( 

But it couldn't possibly come to an end without his number in your phone and the other way round :)

[~lmao what have I done XD But omg cafes in general are a yes please :3 Btw, it may be winter, but I don't think my climate acknowledges that XD Till the next time I write~]

Kat ○ 

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