02 | date night

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"so what do you guys wanna see?" farkle inquired as he looked at the movies playing and what time. he had his arms snaked around his girlfriend's waist and his chin rested on her head.

"let's see a scary movie. hmm.. the autopsy of jane doe?" maya suggested as she also looked up at the big board with the various movie names and times.

"that shit looks scary as fuck. i saw a trailer of it earlier this week. let's see it!" zay laughed as he remembered his first encounter with the movie.

"watch your mouth." riley muttered as she lightly smacked zay's side which caused him to fake a groan. "horror movies always scare me."

"thanks kinda the point, riles." everyone turned towards the unfamiliar voice and maya's eyes widened as there stood joshua matthews.

he was wearing his black colored leather jacket with his hands tucked into the pockets. his hair was messily yet cute on his head. he had his famous devilish smirk on his lips that could make any girl quiver on sight.

"josh. what are you doing here?" maya asked as she looked up at the upperclassmen who towered over her.

"i told you i would invite him." ronnie chimed in as the grin on her lips almost seemed to grow if that was even possible with lucas's arm around her neck and her fingers laced with his.

"yeah. when ronnie said something about a movie date and maya hart. i couldn't resist." he chuckled as he grabbed ahold of the blondes hand. "am i a good enough date?"

as maya was about to answer, she was cut off by her best friend.

"so the scary movie? ill buy the tickets." lucas cleared his throat as maya looked up at brunette next to her.

lucas didn't understand why but seeing someone like josh matthews with maya made his stomach turn. it was obvious to him that to maya; josh was her dream guy. yet lucas didn't wanna see his best friend get hurt... by no guy. they had an unnatural relationship- it was like watching someone you cared for and did everything for get swept off their feet by someone else. someone who was never there for anything and that killed lucas.

"no. it's cool, dude." josh nonchalantly chuckled as he pulled his wallet out and pulled maya with him softly towards the line. she willingly went along with him as she couldn't believe he was here with her.

josh just so happened to be riley's uncle and they both believed it was weird to attend highschool with your uncle/niece that they barely spoke in school. even though the two acted more like brother and sister, another reason for not hanging out was that josh was a senior. he mainly hung out with his senior buddies and his friends on the soccer team. riley and him barely interacted but when they did it was mainly about getting a ride home or needing money for lunch.

maya and josh had met when they were both younger around 13 and 14. he was tease her to no end and even though maya never admitted; she liked it. she enjoyed being around him and the attention he gave her. he also so happened to steal the blondes first kiss. his lips met hers and maya didn't know what to do- josh, only a year older, showed her everything he knew about kissing.

"eight tickets, please, for the autopsy of jane doe." he spoke as he pulled cash out of his wallet and paid for the tickets. then smiling he grabbed the tickets from the women. he turned around and the two soon met up with group. "here you go."

he handed each of them their ticket before turning towards maya.

"this is yours, princess." he smirked once again which made maya melt even though she didn't wanna show it and simply rolled her eyes.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now