14 | where is she?

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"what?" lucas exclaimed as he shot from his seat almost spilling his drink on the table in front of him. farkle gave him a cautious look before rising to his feet and held lucas back.

"calm down, we don't know what fully happened." he reasoned which calmed lucas down a little bit but he still was upset. he sat back down with farkle and zay.

"so what did happen?" zay asked as he looked at the three girls in front of him.

"we don't know! listen, isadora and riley got into a little altercation and then when they calmed down; we looked around and maya wasn't there anymore." ronnie explained as she began to unbutton her jacket and slid it off.

"the snow is getting worse." isadora commented and she seemed distracted by the scene outside. "if she's out there.."

"altercation?" farkle raised his eyebrows but ronnie quickly told him to forget about it for now.

"ill go search the rooms. will you guys look around too? if we don't find her then-" riley stopped herself.

"maya!" lucas shot up from his seat and began to walk away from them. he knocked on the girl's restroom before calling her name but no response. he continued looking and ran towards her room. his pace slowly picking up. he called her again but when he opened the door; there was no one.

"fuck." he cursed as he opened various doors expecting to find her but he didn't. he began to panic. he ran back towards his room and began to put on layers of clothes.

"what are you doing?" riley asked as she walked into their room.

"im gonna go find her." he mumbled and put on his gloves.


"im gonna find her, riley!" he snapped as he walked past her towards the entrance of the ski lodge. "stay here just in case she comes back."

"babe, please be careful." ronnie said as she kissed his cheek and fixed his hat to hide his ear so he wouldn't get sick. she quickly explained where the group was before maya had gone missing.

"im going with him." zay announced as he grabbed his jacket off the couch and ran towards lucas who was almost about to leave.

"no! i can't have you going missing either. please. stay with them." lucas replied, his eyes diverting looking into zay's. "ill call you when i find her."

zay frowned and was about to follow to lucas but knew how stubborn his friend was. the least he could do was look around the ski lodge while lucas looked towards the hill.

"where do you think she is?" riley asked as she frantically paced around the room messing with her hands. her eyes stared down at her fingers when she noticed. "my ring! oh no."

"where is it?" isadora asked as she sat up to face riley.

"it must've slipped off, but when?" riley frowned.

"didn't you take off your gloves when we sat to rest?" ronnie remembered. her brown eyes moved towards farkle who sat there impatiently tapping his foot. "are you okay?"

"no." was his only answer before he shot up and walked to the room him and maya shared.

"what's going on with him?" riley asked.

"i don't know but for now let's worry about finding maya. we should go out and look too." isadora sighed. she moved towards the window at the harsh weather.

"when you tried to slap isadora!" ronnie realized as she clapped her hands together which caused them both to look at her confused. "you were gonna slap isadora but then your ring must've fell off since you weren't thinking. you were messing with it before the argument."

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