10 | together again

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maya was anxious has she walked towards the cafeteria. it was the first time in a while, the whole group would be together again. sure, some hung out more than other but them all together was unusual. either someone was busy or they just didn't wanna hangout with a person.

she finally let out a small sigh as she arrived at the doors. a part of her wanted to turn around but she missed all her friends together. she missed seeing them all.. happy being together.

maya pushed open the door and a smile formed when she saw her friends seated around their usual table. isadora was reading some type of textbook while eating out of her lunchbox while farkle sat next to her with his arm around her, pointing to something in the book. riley seemed to be laughing about something with lucas who was eating zay's food while he wasn't looking.

maya walked closer to their table when ronnie placed her plate down on the open seat next to lucas, but she didn't sit next to him. she instead sat on top of his lap and put her arm around him.

"hey, guys." maya chuckled as their heads turned towards the blonde who stood in front of them.

"peaches!" riley grinned as she grabbed her best friend's hand and motioned for farkle to assist. he grabbed an open chair from the table next to them and placed it between farkle and her.

"we missed you. what took so long?" zay asked as he slapped lucas's hand away from his food then went back to eating.

"i had- uh- things to do." maya lied as she avoided his gaze and sat back into her chair.

"more like josh matthews to do." ronnie smirked underneath her breath which made lucas almost choke on the food in his mouth and maya's eyes to widen.

"ronnie!" the two said at the same time which made the brunette laugh. maya and lucas exchanged looks before quickly diverting eyes away from eachother.

"what? they are cute. seeing maya happy is my favorite." ronnie chuckled as she looked over at the blonde which caused maya to blush.

"are you sure someone else isn't making maya happy?" zay mumbled underneath his breath as he kept his head down.

"zay." lucas said in a low voice which caused ronnie to look between the two friends.

"what is he talking about?" ronnie asked softly as her eyes skidded towards maya who looked at her uneasily.

"maya is in lo-" zay began to say but riley quickly cut him off as he began to talk, "maya has feelings for someone else also."

zay looked over at riley, who shot him the death glare, before looking back at ronnie. she still was a little confused but decided not to worry. it wasn't her business.

"besides my love life.. there has to be something more interesting. what have you been up to?" maya cleared her throat as she looked at her friends. riley and zay didn't bother to say a word. you could easily feel the tension between the ex couple.

isadora and farkle were a different story. they were happy. they didn't seem like a girl who was in love with a boy who happened to also love another girl. it was almost as if the whole thing had brought them closer together. riley barely looked over at farkle but it wasn't hard to notice farkle glancing over at his friend now and then.

"the seniors planned their trip for spring break, and I was wondering you guys wanted to go somewhere?" isadora offered as she peaked her head up from the trigonometry textbook in front of her.

"what do teenagers our age do on spring break?" riley raised her eyebrows.

"party on the beach, drink and/or smoke illegally, do stuff that would generally not be good for them." farkle muttered as he read something on his phone; not bothering to look up. everyone looked over at him with a surprised look.

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