15 | reunited

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maya groaned as her eyes slowly opened due to the sunlight peaking into the window. her vision was blurry at first before adjusting to her scenery. she bit down at her bottom lip as she looked down underneath the covers and noticed she was in her bra and briefs. she blushed at the thought of someone undressing her even though it was a kind gesture to get her out of the cold clothes she was wearing before.

her head was throbbing. the most she remembered was looking for riley's ring before she slipped on snow which caused her to tumble down the hill. even though her head was hurting, she still could vaguely remember when farkle came to save her.

she tried to move her right arm but she soon felt a sharp pain. her ocean colored eyes moved towards the window. she released a small sigh before moving her body towards the edge of the bed. her feet touched the cold floor beneath her. she bit down on her bottom lip before fully getting to her feet. the sudden change made her feel dizzy.

"woah." she mumbled before catching herself by holding onto her bed.

"you shouldn't try to get up so fast." ronnie muttered from where she stood by the door frame. maya's eyes widened at her voice since she had no idea the brunette was there. "i have some comfortable clothes."

"thanks." maya smiled at her as she took the clothes in ronnie's hand. she sat back down on the bed and slid on the loose sweatshirt and black tights. she pulled her blonde hair through the top and adjusted her shirt.

"it looks great on you." ronnie complimented, which made maya blush at her kind words.

"please tell me i just drank too much and didn't actually fall down a steep hill." maya joked but knew it was still true.

"are you feeling okay?" ronnie asked. she slowly moved towards maya and looked down at the blonde who smiled.

"yeah, im feeling good." maya grinned before trying to move and faltering a bit but quickly recovering her balance.

"come here." ronnie chuckled as she grabbed maya's hand and held onto her. "you slept for a long time."

"how long?" maya rose her eyebrows. her fingers clung onto ronnie's hand to keep her steady. the two walked through the ski lodge hallway.

"um... you slept a whole day yesterday and we thought you were gonna stay asleep till tonight." ronnie shook her head before looking at the blonde with a smile. "the medic here said you would be okay but we still worried."

maya's eyes looked at the brunette as she smiled and couldn't help but wanna rip herself away from her grasp but couldn't find the strength or will power to do so. how could she be so kind? it isn't like she had a reason not to be but still. maya loved the girl's boyfriend but ronnie didn't know that. it made the blonde wonder what the girl would be like if she knew the truth. would she care? would she react like isadora? or would she be worse?

"maya!" riley's voice quickly snapped maya out her thoughts. maya looked over at her best friend who was sitting next to the fire talking to zay. ronnie let go of maya's hand and riley quickly wrapped her arms around her maya.

"riley." maya groaned as her best friend crushed her body against her own. "you are suffocating me."

"sorry." the brunette chuckled but didn't budge. she held onto her as long as she could before maya pulled away and took a deep breath.

maya smiled at her best friends enthusiasm but her breath hitched when farkle walked into the room. for the first time her heart stopped at the sight of him. the way she felt at first with lucas. she decided not to pay no mind to it. the brunette haired male smiled as he appeared and his eyes fell upon maya.

unrequited | lucaya (completed)Where stories live. Discover now